Wallopy Joe

He's already declined that role.

Is she funny?

I never denied that, I was just correcting your spelling of his name.

It's Freddie, not Freddy..... (And that is in the article)

It's rare, it's no longer sold anymore, and it's fucking awesome.

MI3 was a good film. And I think everyone agrees that 2 was more than a little shit.

Can't wait.

Daniel Craig in Casino Royale was the best, and most Bond-like Bond we've had on screen since the middle of Connery's run.

I'm not too sure, but I just tested my google-fu levels.

Looks like it.

I thought it was her when I clicked on the link.

I find the new "This comment can not be replied to because it's too short" thing kinda odd.

That looks awesome, I want one!

That's assuming there's only going to be one person/paying customer on each flight. 450 is the number of flights, so if two people go up per flight, or three...

/Holds up a picture of Ed Norton

I own 5 of those, and the rest are some where in the house, belonging to brother/sister/parents. I think we actually have three copies of The Departed at home. Good film that.

The best one is when they joined up with Mitchell and Webb. Geoffrey Palmer in that was hilarious.

I'm at work, and too impatient to wait until I get home... So I just need to know if any of the blocked videos bellow are him "rapping" in Futurama's Where No Fan Has Gone Before.

R.E. Doctor Who,

I'm not usually one for those really short, shitty, non replys (perhaps why I'm padding it out with this bollocks), but really. This.