Wallopy Joe

What about John Williams? He's done a few theme songs in the past, hell, some of them were even good*.

<3'd (along with 4 others in this particular thread)

You know what pattern I'd like to see?

Okay, I'm generally in the camp of "I don't believe in this hokey nonsense". occasionally, very occasionally, in fact I don't think I can express how occasionally this happens, but I might (occasionally... ;)) go a wondering and skirt round the edges of the camp named "Might a god, gods or higher power exist".

Maybe, I just thought that was painted turf.



"It covers 1500 square meters... uses 1200 square meters of lawn."

<3'd, just for that.

"Inexblicably"? You mad fool, that film was all sorts of crazy awesome.

Allies get ewoks.

Actually, that sounds fairly like the ones we have here (UK). Or at least some of them.

Looks like fun.


She's pretty.

You don't?!?!? Shit, I thought there must be a reason people were looking at me funny when I presented my driving license to the girl behind the counter at Starbucks.

And yet never able to catch up with those darn Ausies and Kiwis.

^5 fellow Brit(?)

You know, I honestly can't tell if you're being serious. If you're not, then cool, but if you are, then that's fine too, I suppose, I just thought with they way I'd phrased or worded that response the "/sarcasm" at the end wasn't really going to be necessary.

To me that doesn't seem sporting enough. A minigun will rip most anything to shreds, and that's just cruel.