Wallopy Joe

Wan't that an episode of House?

You know, I'd really quite like to heart you at least two or three more times.

25 kills and the round gets Death Star'd

Excuse me "Dr." Lizardo, but I think you'll find that's offensive to lab mice, thankyouverymuch.

Wonderful. You two can both pass on all of your available funds my way, and then document the events of my life in the following weeks.

That may be so, but that's not something most people will do.

Yes. That series was awesome.

Wow. Wow wow wow. Hold on there!!!

They have. Quite a few times in fact.

Dr. Goodhead.

Whoa, wow, hold on there.


Actually, Martin has given the shows topdogs an outline for what's to happen at the end if he doesn't get there in time.

You know what bothers me most of all. It's not that Bay reused 10 whole seconds of old footage (holy shit balls everyone, lets grab our pitchforks and torches!!1!!!), it's that so many people in these comments are hating on The Island.

And that's their fault because...?

This sounds awesome. If I lived in the States, near where this was being held, I'd definitely make my way there.

Well, sure, but your original point was that he was "the exact opposite of "very lucky"". The exact opposite of "very lucky" is surely "very unlucky", were he that, he might be dead.

As weird as this sounds, I think I started hearing that line in his voice before I actually realised what I was reading.....

..... I thought it was some wierd new style of mouse.