Wallopy Joe

Maybe forks count as very primitive tech. It's tech, just really, really old.

Mind = Blown

Yes! That's AWESOME!!!

Is there a place in your definition, a subsection perhaps, whereby faces 'do' get crossbow bolts through them, and they don't die?

- 1 for getting it ever so slightly wrong (missed out a 'but', and that's important)

The point of the luck is not that he got shot in the face with a crossbow bolt, that's just stupid. But that he didn't die, or suffer life altering paralysis or something equally shit, that's lucky. Not many people who get shot in the face can boast such a feat.

You've never stolen a laptop yourself, just helped loads of other steal them....

Maybe so, but it's infinitely more customisable.

That really is ridiculously cool.

I'll go with no.

I honestly thought 3 was at least on par with 1, some bits better, some worse.

I'd say it's more similar to MW2 than MW, but that's just me.


I think these books sort of bring in a whole new subsection to the whole embargo on spoilers.

Umm, doublet . . . anyone??

Beach volleyball aside, DOA had Sarah Carter in it. I think that's reason enough for it being better than this.

Every time I've seen a picture of her in this movie I'm instantly reminded of those blow up dolls.

From the two lower case letters in there it looks like you're arranged some of the elements in some particular order.... but I have no idea what it means if they are.

That wouldn't teach them how to do it, just what it should look like when done properly.

I didn't watch the trailer yet, but I'll go with a yes, because he's in it.