You know, when I’m in my cage and I see somebody on a sportbike hauling ass up to me about to pass me, despite the fact lanesplitting is illegal where I live, and it still annoys me they are driving like a douche, I don’t try to block them or start trouble like an asshole. Why is this so hard for people? What part of…
Fuck and Yes. Both my kids came home from the hospital in the Evo. Now they like to go on occasional rides in Daddy’s car on the nearest fun road, which they refer to as the “Curvy Road” (or “Curby Woad” when they were a little younger).
“It probably caused a lot of wasted R&D budget at these companies,”
I must have gotten spoiled in Japan (actually I’m sure I was). I lived in Tokyo for 6 months and not only were the subways, trains ect, always on time, clean, but there were like 4 different options. 2 subway lines, and 2 train lines.
... and for the 11-billionth time the big difference here is that VW intentionally and purposevely engineered a cheat for their emission systems. That is a major and signifigant difference between a defect that was determined after its introduction. So yes, sorry but when it comes to automotive scandals the VW thing…
TDI hybrids were a bad idea anyway. If you’re going to build a hybrid where the engine only runs 50-60% of the time, making it a diesel mean you’re going to have a harder time breaking even on the extra costs of a diesel powertrain.
The apology has already made the new Top Gear worse than the old.
That’s because you’re an logo whore, not a performance whore.
I think the word you are looking for is quickest.
What you say is probably true in terms of intentions, but in reality, it gives an incentive toward making vehicles with footprints that are larger than they would otherwise need to be.
I wish I had a better answer but that doesn’t make my point any less true. For any given car, automakers are now incentivized to make it *just* a bit larger if they can do so. In the near term, a wider track might do it. Longer term, as new platforms are developed, they’ll be stretching wheelbases as much as…
I can’t believe they thought track * wheelbase was a good plan. Expect some oddly proportioned cars going forward as everyone struggles to sneak into the next lower tier.
Talk about relaxing...
Eventually people are going to realize his articles are garbage, his advice is worse. Every single one of them is filled with inaccuracies and uninformed opinions. he literally makes shit up and gets hundreds of clicks on every one of them.
Shocking! Tavarish fucks up yet another article! Let’s start with the easy, the cheap black car you posted last year was a 348 not a 355. Yes there is a big price difference. Here’s a nice f355 in the right color for under 50k with a stick:
I feel like this is the end result of all the criminals bypassing the emissions control devices in their exhausts on passenger cars. You wouldn’t believe how many people joke online about removing catalytic converters and signing paperwork from their shop about the vehicle only being used on a track or off road. Now…