
One thing to note is when you actually go look at the sources provided it will show you what part of that contribution was by individuals versus company pacs on open secrets. It annoys me that I can donate to a candidate and then it ends up being picked up in a headline that “big Wall Street bank donated to such and

I graduated in 2011 with no job prospects even after working in my field while in college. I did a little bit of grad school but realized that was a waste too, I just racking up more loans. Those of us that graduated in the years during and right after the recession are basically never going to recover completely. I

My husband is a couple of inches shorter than me, it doesn’t bother me. It bothered me more when we first started dating but we’ve been together for 15 years. Now it’s just a thing. I don’t even think about it. He has a sense of humor about it, he’s a lot shorter than the guy you we dating. I don’t even want to wear

Ok, shut it down. It’s time to put a sarcophagus over this entire disaster of a thread.

I often pick the tomato off. I like tomatoes but anything you get in a restaurant or grocery store is almost always a garbage tomato. Even if you manage to find an heirloom variety it’s not good.

My car has a high and low option and seems to work pretty well. Although I’m cold natured and would prefer to be warm all of the time. Also amazing for post gym relaxation on my way to work, after I’ve showered and cooled down. However my car is black and I live in the south where’s it’s already hotter than fuck and

I never do it at sports events and such but it’s getting more and more rare that you see people not doing it even though it’s not a thing! The worst was a couple of years ago when everyone stopped and stood at attention for God Bless America. I think I may have uttered a “oh for fucks sakes” under my breathe as I was

She looks like a white walker. 

I’ve woken up with her claws near my throat a few times. She’s scary and possibly immortal.

I’ve got a strong contender. She is pissed I tried to share my whipped cream with her. 

Hahaha I do this, well at Sams club, because  we don’t has Costco. But it’s so I only have to buy it like twice a year.  

I had an interview yesterday for what is basically my dream job at this point and i think it went pretty well. He asked a lot of follow up questions and seemed interested in my answers and seemed impressed with my experience. He said it was a tough job but it sounded like I was ready for it. I’m so so trying not to

I’ve done all of them. 23 and me and ancestry and uploaded my raw reports to FTdna, My Heritage, Promethese, and GED Match. I don’t know any of my biological family so i don’t think I would be helpful in solving a crime but it is pretty amazing how much info you are essentially putting out there about your relatives

They care about babies if they can buy them from expensive adoption agencies but other than that, fuck those babies. 

Congratulations on the first one! They can be addicting! I don’t have any regrets but I would have put things in different places. I have tattoos on both of my feet and even though I have a lot these day, I like to be able to cover everything up when I want to do probably would have not done my feet. It limits what

I’ve been ordering my food this was from a person at Taco Bell for years. They’ve never once gotten it wrong. 

I actually have 2 engagement rings and no idea where my wedding band is. I bought the 2nd ring myself with the settlement money after a car wreck. I hurt my hand in the car wreck and couldn’t wear the first engagement ring for a while afterward. It took me forever to even get into the habit of wearing them all the

You actually developed a rash? I have horrible skin allergies and I break out in hives when I do cardio if I haven’t taken Zyrtec but not an actual rash. Just red welts that go down as my heart rate goes down. But I also get a rash on my arms. It used to be seasonal but it’s gotten worse recently and if I miss a day

Damn it this happens to me too. I’ve been on it daily for 5 years because I break out and hives with I exercise if I don’t take it. Cool cool cool to know I can basically never quit now. Maybe I should try Claritin. 

Omg he’s so cute! Congrats on the book! I wish you well on your writing.