
Wait a minute. I thought the History Channel was the Hitler Channel. Is that now the Military History Channel? So, you're saying the aliens took over the History Channel? Hooray! Now for some REAL FACTS!

I don't even know where to begin… I read about 4 feet down in this bastard and had a brain aneurysm, I laughed so hard.

You're trying to make a bunch of avatars who have nothing better to do laugh. Believe me, it's funny. Anytime you go to "shart" it's a hoot!

Did I just suddenly fall into "The Following" thread? 'Cause that would be pretty awesome! Classic Poe!

Anyway, we delivered the bomb.

It's running on Netflix now, and I watched again for like the eleventy-billionth time. Love that movie!

My point exactly! There are people in the USA, who are of age and old enough to know this: RUSSIA WAS OUR ALLY IN WW II! Hitler fought a 2-front war, and the beginning of his end, came at the Battle of Kursk, a salient above Stalingrad.

See the above entry by me… I cannot type this crap again. But, we delivered the bomb!

Because no one even knew that Russia was in the war and lost somewhere between 30 and 55 million people. But, by God, we ALL know the USS Indianapolis was hit by Japanese torpedoes and was sunk and 500 sailors got munched on by a batch of Great Whites. Anyway, we delivered the bomb. The next thing you know, we'll be

And this is a surprise? Has Tom Cruise succeeded at anything?

Aaand, if you're like me, you didn't even have to look that quote up. You've seen the movie "Jaws" at least 47,289 times since it's release in 1975. Bonus? Creepy-ass music in the background; the only thing written pianississimo EVER by John Williams!

Actually, Danny Trejo is playing Quint, since he's in every other goddamned thing on AmazonPrime right now.

I'd forgotten how much I love A.V. threads until just now. . .

Dear Mr. Chappell; I would watch "Sharknado 5: It's a Small World After All" because I hate hate hate that song ride and all of those horrible little children. After that, I'm done. I just loved your title for #5. It probably won't happen and is for the best really, but I WOULD watch that!

I REALLY fell in love with Bruce Campbell in Bubba Hotep and in listening to his interviews in the special edition. I'm all for him being nominated and winning an Emmy. Love Ash and the Evil Dead! <3

This was a wonderful interview! I too am an orchestral player. There is a reason we "play" and do not call it working. It's great to know James is having a blast "playing" and coming up with new ways to entertain us. a HUGE shout-out to Juliet Landau as "Dru" who did a spectacular job as Spike's true love, too! She

I had to go back and re-watch The Shield and yes, Shane did make that decision on his own, tacitly, without even telling his wife and young child, which made their deaths even more chilling. Shane, is just mulling this over for days and driving around, running out of money, unraveling. It made for very good, chilling

I, too, enjoyed the 2- and 3- part epis. "Anasazi" to "Paper Clip", "Tunguska" and "Terma", "Erlenmeyer Flask", paired with "Little Green Men"; "Duane Barry" and "Sleepless" were some of the best the show had to offer. "Tunguska" and "Terma" especially were interesting, because we see Scully fending off questions

All kidding aside earlier, I have to agree. I was disappointed that the show didn't tap into that cultural zeitgeist. Are we still willing to listen to conspiracy theorists and give them credence and how much patience are we, as an audience willing to spend time on them. It's almost as if Carter and Morgan forgot that

Honestly, what could we expect in 6 epis? One of those 50's montages of Scully and Mulder hastily recertifying their FBI creds, (shooting badly, throwing dummies around, scuba-diving with sharks, field-stripping m-80s) with spinning computer screens or giant displays with McHale shouting "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD"…