
Or the 2017 version of "Y2Kinja" o_0?

Handel was one of the best and had a great sense of humor. He wanted to take a vacation, and rather than just asking the King, he wrote the "Farewell Symphony" and in the 4th movement, all the instrumentalists leave the stage one by one, until there is just a violinist and a violist. When I played this thing, we used

Nyet! Een Russia, Meekey haz no dog; haz Arkangel cat. Spaciba.

I think the word is "kakistocracy"; a government led by the worst and least qualified people EVER! The word was coined by Thomas Love Peacock in 1829. He got it right; its true "ca-ca" at it's worst. Uranusocracy fits well too!

Thad, you should seriously be writing laws up in D.C., but… naw. You make too much sense.

They ain't gittin' mah innerwebz! I'ma start a revoltin' and they can pry it outta mah cold, dead pawz!

Now, you're just f'ing with us, FCC… I miss the days of copper wire and 58kbps until a squirrel or owl would get zapped and then you'd be toast and couldn't play DOOM for dayz….

A thread hasn't been this hilarious since "The Following" which regularly garnered "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" for daze! :D

About laughing at Carl, because he's one-eyed? Nah; it is what it is. Speaking for Carl, as I had one eye that was blind for 7 years, he'd better learn to correct for that aim, in a big fat hurry, if he's planning on doing any shootin' of Negan. It can be done, but, it's wicked hard. I have two eyes now, and to answer

How has this not ended up being riffed by the RiffTrax crew? By the way, RiffTrax has some of their releases on AmazonPrime, available for bingeing. Nic Cage in the bear suit is one of the most epic howlers, ever, Classic Poe!

Of course not; that would require reflecting on our own nation's part in causing the man's suicide, which is dreadful enough for far too many of this nation's "citizens" and, it's just not showy or gory enough. Hollywood caters to the least common denominator when it comes to making "blockbusters" and I use that word

That's because you're too busy congratulating yourself on differentiating and correcting me between its and it's. That's what editors are for and you're not one of mine. But that's okay, if it makes you feel better to run all over the internet doing silly shit like this, go right ahead. I prefer to let the little

Thank you, Grammar Police Nazi. This is a Thread, not a published book. If you wish to continue to feel superior, please feel free to head on over to my blog "Homeless Chronicled in Tampa", where I'm pretty sure I've written you under the table countless times. Else, shut the hell up and go be supercilious on a

As much as they tried island hopping and even skipping the more fortified islands, the carnage was still brutal. The comment was also made that some of the Japanese didn't surrender until the 70s, which is true.

Exactly, 35 million soldiers X 3 = 105,000,000 men for an invading force. In those days, how do you even supply that many people or provision? Totally unrealistic.

Along with how many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Allied Casualties. This was not an act of "genocide" as there was no intent to kill off the entire island. The intent was to get the Japanese to surrender in the quickest and least-bloody way possible. For 4 years, Pacific Allies had been fighting

Danny Trejo; he's already in everything on Netflix this month anyway.

Oh, I thought you were gonna say, "he meets Rowsdower".

Not a one that I can recall and I have the older canon memorized. As to the newer stuff they're putting out and RiffTrax, I couldn't say. I'm sure he's got to be in SOMETHING they've riffed.

Captain MacVay survived and was discredited. He was actually exonerated by some kid doing a project in the 90s.