
Ugh. I love the X-Files, but, 1) The "Spartan" Virus? I think they meant "Trojan" Virus in the sense of a "Trojan" worm on a computer that is triggered by an outside agency, or action/keystroke on the infected computer.

I'm still curious about this…. "the decision to play the Mahler's "Das Liede von der Erde" and that particular passage during the scene in episode 4, "Fear and Trembling", when Hanzee finds Rye's belt buckle in the Blumquist fireplace. That was extremely powerful and telling; nothing good ever happens when Mahler is

I'm extremely curious about the decision to play the Mahler's "Das Liede von der Erde" and that particular passage during the scene in episode 4, "Fear and Trembling", when Hanzee finds Rye's belt buckle in th Blumquist fireplace. That was extremely powerful and telling; nothing good ever comes when Mahler is played,

Dear Mr. Bortles, er, uh, Mr. Teti, I find your column absolutely hilarious! I thought the Colts thing a few days ago was a Masterpiece and now you've gone and outdone yourself with this one, skewering, uh, er, praising the NFL on their smart use of teh innerwebz and Yahewwww as a medium in which to surf over the

This is like the WORST garage band ever heard. Also, to what purpose are the black stripes over the players' eyes? Are they wanted in 50 states?

Thank you for clearing that up! Heaven forfend that I should get my cheesy, Japanese papier mâché monsters mixed up! At any rate, all of that Toho fun had a special place in our house for much derision and laughter. I'm glad to see it's been shared so widely! On a related note, we had a cat that ate a giant hole in my

We did too, for some reason, when I was a kid. They were on the Saturday Afternoon "Creature Feature" in the mid-60s in Los Angeles, California, along with "Mothra" and the tiny twins and I don't know what-all LSD-fueled concoctions from our friends at Toho. Wasn't Mothra the giant, fire-breathing turtle? I could

I had seen many many MST3K lampoons prior to "Manos, Hands of Fate" and had loved the whole thing. It was inevitable that with a film as bad as "Manos", they would have gotten to it sooner and later. And yes, El Santo, MST3K kinda brought Gamera into the Western world, to our everlasting glee! :D

We should pursue that quest. It sounds like a worthy one!

This is too weird; I expect my MST3K experiences to all look bad and like they have been run over by several trucks. The Mas-ter blew it and wasted his 50k on this one! :D ~ViolaFury

Why is TLC even watched? The entire channel should be liquidated; it's a blight on an already sickly landscape of consumerism and freak-shows.

Somewhere, there's actually a blog or a bunch of comments devoted to this thread. . . I shit you not!

"Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing."

Enough pun-ishment, I say! Someone give this portion of this thread an award for going way off point and for being hysterical!

"I shoulda killed Robert Frost." Classic Poe

"Stabstick" The. Most. Excellent. Title. Ever.

Having had some participation in the arena of music from classical to those huge spectacles put on by Alan Parsons Project, there's a case for pretentiousness in the entire history of music, I agree if a guy discovers a guitar and gets shot down by his overlords and then uses the guitar as a way (path?) to better

"Progressive rock was called pretentious back then, and it’s called pretentious now. Even Rush, one of the greatest rock bands of all time, prog or otherwise, is all but ignored by the critical establishment today, in spite of a sold-out stadium tour, relative accessibility, and the recent release of one of their

1. "Whips and Regrets" Glad you said something about that and it wasn't just my horrible eyesight or terrible mental recall. It truly doesn't mean anything. More nihilism, or just don't give a shit production?

You mean like this is a 5-Joe episode? Where does it go? 6? 7? Counting for inflation, we could theoretically raise the bar for however long this turkey lasts. Where does the misery end? 7k Joes? That's some serious shit right there.