
Don't forget Cyrillic

Raised by Amish wolves in shelters.

Flash Mob anywhere. ditto.

And more literate.

That's "Hot Mess" as The Following.


And this! This! Is why I read comments and reviews about shows or anything people love to hate. The above exchange is a pearl, nay, many pearls of wisdom that I will lovingly chortle over in my autumnal, senile years, creaking my way along, shuffling off this mortal coil. Let me do so with glee. Thank you, RedScarab

IF this keeps up, people will start having "The Following" parties. People will dress as Ryan Hardy and Prof Joe. Guys 'n' gals will sit around, swilling cheap scotch, sporting pixie cuts and hollering safe words "RED" and bad quotes at one another, while they burn they're fingers making shitty s'more sandwiches and

That's "hot mess" of a show.

"Silly for Killing" could be a really horrible Death Metal band.

I don't see why not; it's no lazier than anything else in the entire season so far.

There really are too many of these WTF moments, are there not?

Cool! Rhyme Thyme!

And, we have a winner! Actually, watching "The Following" ENHANCES the revewing experience. Bass-ackwards and all, I look forward to this all week. I formally announce my need for a life, I guess…

I just wish I could somehow reply to this entire season of commentators at this point. I have never seen a show more tin-eared as to dialog, ham-handed plot full o' holes, cretinous, stupidly and downright rib-tickling idiotically constructed ideas as to motives for a batch of characters in an attempt to sell an idea

Absolutely! Start at the beginning and then read David Sims reviews and the comments after each episode. Great entertainment and Kevin Bacon is wonderful. Just don't expect anything resembling sense, high art, suspenseful plot or meaning.