Walk The Plank

Not usually a huge fan, but I like this one.

Oh, that Alge. He was always such a fungi.

It’s not just you. Everything is overwritten, rotting in pointless faux cleverness. It tries to wink at the reader for being “in the know” by referencing stuff that anyone who's read the news knows. It’s Maureen Dowd covering the NBA.

Is a single championship or two really worth selling your soul to LeBron for? After Cleveland, Miami, and now LA, I’m beginning to think not.

But no mention of John Elway, who ran for over 3,400 career yards looking like a horse?

Seeing your name on a post about what should be an interesting topic is like getting a free steak dinner that’s been sautéed in piss.

so that’s what that flavor is from

Took one sentence for me to think, “Yeah, I’d rather just work.”

It is kinda funny that he’s going to get flack from some people for leaving when it’s clearly stated in the video that it was the last question.

That shit switched from Yanny to Laurel on me and now I’m bugging out. FUCK YOU VERY MUCH, PATRICK.

Worth noting that Beitar Jerusalem has some of the most racist fans in the Israeli Premier League, the group is called “La Familia”. La Familia regularly chant “death to Arabs”, they violently attack opposing fans with weapons and they’re just generally shitty people all around; they’re basically Jewish Nazis. So it’s

We all know that the best defense is poaching defensive rebounds from your own big men

Salty Russ pretending he’s gonna not hunt steals and actually stick to his man next game is a fun little charade.

This is one of the worst takes I’ve read in a while. Batters have 4/10th of a second to decide if they’re going to swing, decide where to swing, and then actually swing.

Boston fans don’t know who Bledsoe is, either, but that’s because all basketball players look alike.

This take is dumb as shit. Hitting a baseball on anywhere approaching a consistent basis is easily one of the most difficult athletic skills.

Wile you’re right about the long term.nature of the game, you’re wrong about baseball being “luckier” than any other sports.

All you need to know about cricket is that the first number in the score is the number of crickets killed in the battle and the second is the number of humans. So, like 235/7 might seem like a lopsided victory for the bipeds, but considered by mass the crickets are doing pretty well.
