
Wants to spend time raping his family.

I had a great boss, Jenny. She would say ask a question and breathe through your nose. Meaning just shut up and let someone else talk. You can learn a lot that way.

I just Googled that guy, I had no idea who he was. Or she, I am not sure, I don’t know this person. All I know is the Met Gala would not want a tattooed zombie freak at their party and I don’t blame them.

I just like the music.

That meme is old and overused, alm0st obsolete.

That escalated quickly.

Hey commie, does Putin's cock have HPV or just cheeto?

Then I second the motion.

Yeah. I am. Fuck them and you too.

Pasta too.

Something bad, no one leaves a job after 17 years unless they are forced out. Okay well it’s very very rare let’s put it like that.

All good all good except Johnny John sandwich that prick is an elephant murderer fuck that guy

Kind of off topic but that reminds me of a guy I used to work with. He was a really nice guy and he was really rich and downplayed it. He wasn’t a gambler, said he could win $1,000 and it wouldn’t affect him but if he would lose $20 it would bug the hell out of him for a long time.

Okie dokie Dr. Nick.

The dumb douche lost me when he farted on set wasting the time of others but the icing on the GFY cake was when he killed and ate his pet.

Do cats count?

I I have $5 that says it’s a bunch of cops making false Health claims.

Maybe his daughters and Brett Kavenaugh’s daughters can all get together for a tea party. They can have R Kelly as the entertainer.