D. Walker

Deliberately misleading clickbait titles? On Jalopnik?! You don’t say

Did the plane “drop” 25,000 feet as the title suggests, or did the plane simply descend 25,000 feet to equalize the cabin pressure, as the actual article suggests?

Cause the title reads like the plane lost pressure and immediately dropped 25,000 feet....which would result in some serious injuries, if not deaths, I

No worries, I’m sure it only costs $2,000 to fix... after waiting 6 months for the parts.

This being Switzerland I genuinely do believe they forgot, if it was America then I’d believe they “forgot”. However, this also being Switzerland, them genuinely screwing up is a lot worse for them than deliberate malfeasance. At least if it was malfeasance, it would have been efficient malfeasance. This was a fuck

Its not the US, so someone may actually be held accountable here.

This whole take is ridiculous. If I wrote this, I’d be ashamed to put my name on it.

There’s enough data that’s proven Baton Rouge area judges are more likely to issue harsher sentences the week following an LSU football loss vs. when they win...

Considering the US lags behind the rest of the world in rehabilitating inmates, maybe we should drop the slave labor. We also unfairly punish lower income people, while higher income folks are often times able to buy their justice when committing crimes. It also doesn’t help that the prison industry has very deep

Damn, it’s a good thing no one’s ever been wrongfully convicted of anything, and that both policing and sentencing are perfectly fair and equitable across all groups at all times. And, of course, that the private prison industry doesn’t set minimum occupancy rules to ensure it has a supply of labor from which to

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the prison system, and humanity.

And that’s why he makes a fuss about this sort of thing.  Focusing people on a meaningless “threat” like the gay panic creates a useful distraction.

Yes you should be concerned about how a government run bridge is operated. Especially when it comes to banning a display of inclusion and the message of equality for all. When governement is allowed to ban certain things only for internal prejudices based on hate and sectarian religious beliefs then you should be

Nah, you’re just a bigot.

If you think it’s a productive use of his time (i.e. your dollars) to micro-manage such issues that’s up to you. This kind of thing is common and all about optics and dog whistles. Most people see that pretty clearly.

Yup, you found the deplorable Fox viewer who has never been to SF and is convinced there is human feces on every sidewalk.

As long as it’s simply a power failure, and not a structural failure, I’d rather take my chances in a single prop.

Because he’s a cultist.

That is somehow worst.

I’m a liberal for sure (hear this one all the time on NPR) and the term I hear these days is “experiencing homelessness”. I think it’s a fucking waste of time to debate semantics when what’s needed is building a fuckton of housing. And don’t give me this BS like here in NJ where every town has to have a certain amount

how does the term homeless blame the individual? its a description not an accusation