D. Walker

Next up, a “stanced” one with 30 degree negative cambering and 4mm of clearance, which immediately bottoms out and gets stuck trying to turn into a Walmart parking lot.

Haha, yes, swiss cheese has holes, great joke.

Are we just getting used to greedflation, where companies jack up prices on essentials because no one will stop them, and working it into our budgets in all aspects of life? That’s not fantastic.

Ron DeSantis worked as a JAG lawyer at Guantanamo Bay, and claimed at the time that his job was to ensure the camp was abiding by Geneva Conventions and that the prisoners were being treated humanely.

Nah, any money made by a camera trap would just go toward buying the cops another MRAP or something.

Boy, what a fitting username.

Small private planes generally cannot perform sharp enough or excessive enough maneuvers to cause structural damage in the first place.

Are you nuts? Absolutely no propeller-powered, all-metal aircraft should be breaking apart in the air from turning too fast.

Actually I am speaking from experience with two stop signs within a mile of my house that get blown through all of the time.

Despite more EVs coming to market, none of the latest fully-electric vehicles in the U.S.

Why am I not surprised that ex-LAPD’s first response is to threaten violence.

And every morning when you wake up, you could stand on your head.

The same way the average Russian war widow can be pleased about Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

It’s not even a matter of taste - it’s a question of whether or not you actively hate other all other human beings, and are actually willing to go far, far, far out of your way to make your vehicle literally poison all the air around you.


No 20-year-old (and I’ll include myself at that age) should have access to 807hp.

What if those people are corporations, though?

And then in thirty years, when everyone says “Unhoused” and no one says “Homeless”, but they’re still all referring to the same people, and the same problem, with all the same stereotypes foisted on them by society, then suddenly “Unhoused” is the new slur.

I hear that in the main game, raid bosses will now occasionally drop collectible Fidget Spinners in addition to their normal loot.

Only a psychopath can self-shill as hard as he does.