D. Walker

And then in thirty years, when everyone says “Unhoused” and no one says “Homeless”, but they’re still all referring to the same people, and the same problem, with all the same stereotypes foisted on them by society, then suddenly “Unhoused” is the new slur.

I hear that in the main game, raid bosses will now occasionally drop collectible Fidget Spinners in addition to their normal loot.

Only a psychopath can self-shill as hard as he does.

How does someone get so famous with such an awful fucking sociopathic fake smile?

Confirmed: Helldivers 2 is adding superweapons that turn babies into gold.

Has mainstream online media always been this stupid, or have I just been able to tune it out until now?

>realpolitik intensifies

Proving my point.

>laughs in used Toyota, paid for in cash, chosen for reliability and fuel economy

Says the guy who seems to think this man’s friend made up a story about him visiting and warning that if he ends up dead, it wasn’t by suicide?

So people can be refused entry to a publicly-funded system solely based on their refusal to have their rights violated? This feels like a really roundabout way of, y’know, the government violating their rights.

I would not be at all surprised if it’s yet another “Responsible Gun Owner”.

What fantasy world do you live in where you think education funding goes up?

A publicly funded service that many people use to get to work?

Whatever you say, chief.

Or... just maybe... you didn’t understand it?

The average Member of Congress pulls in $174,000 annually.

Don’t forget promoting child labor!