
Bienvenue sur Kyriarchy. It's like Mayonnaise for feminist and oppression theories: the intersectionality of all things, it can be used on anything!

Yes. But this requires an intelligent and productive line of foreign policy from the US government.

But Alex, they want to make movies! Crappy, crappy movies!

There is a very distinct and significant difference between violence in other parts of the world and violence as it has been and continues to express itself in Somalia. Violence as a continuing ongoing part of the world. Violence as a persistent and ongoing anxiety of life. You simply cannot cite statistics that

That's sort of what I meant though. It's statist in the sense of NGOs sending the whole damn country into a messy hodgepodge of competing authorities, none of which are doing any of the country a lick of good individually or collectively between all their fuck-upery. That's what I meant by statist, not saying that

Zimbabwe, largely in the same situation. Every other country has its own issues of its own accordance, and even then GDP is resolutely not an adequate measure of quality of life. Say what you will about starving to death in Zimbabwe, it beats getting gunned down in Somalia, something which was an extremely regular

In all these lines of text, you were yet still unable to explain what redemptive qualities there could have been to this largely overhyped excreble work of fiction.

And I suppose your amazing, incredible libertarian utopia is coming into fruition in Somalia then? The state keeping you down?

Perhaps, but wanes and flows in the economy I don't think accurately describe what's going on right now. But, time will tell I suppose.

Save with one very distinct difference: the economy.

What I fail to understand is the example you cited. You say that getting close to a sniper was supposed to mean his death? Even back in the days of vanilla the go-to tactic for any sniper worth his salt was head in swinging with melee skills and a 35% crit chance on the kukri. That or the miserable no-scope headshots,

Power relationships is what it is. Racism is an artificial entity, but institutions of power are built up within it and people subscribe to those metrics of value, and as such, racism becomes reality.

Your Jesus, he spoke English, yes?

I'm going to say this to you now and I'm going to say it very slowly and very clearly: you do not have a monopolistic interpretation of Christianity. There are many if not more Christians who are themselves practicing and self-identified Christians who enjoy the show and do not find themselves offended by its

[deleted for meens]

I think her sentiment is similar. That said I know a lot of people who profess to 'recreational' drug use when they're really self-medicating for issues. It's why I avoided a lot of substances for a while, didn't want to exacerbate any issues.

I'll simply respectfully reply that sometimes pity does not mean much when you are not in a position of power and people are using this very language to justify your oppression.

For all the ballyhoo about standardized testing in America there is surprisingly zero discussion about the fact that standardized end-testing is the only thing that exists in America.

To those of you who would say, "well he simply shouldn't make himself conspicuous." That isn't the goddamned point. The point is that we should feel free to live in a world where we live however the fuck we want reasonably within the law and feel free to go to the motherfucking gas station and NOT expect to get beat

See, now that's where you and I differ seeing as how I lambasted Clinton for the exact same thing. In fact i'm even more critical of the corporate democrats than I am of the Republicans, but we're allowed to have differences of opinion.