No, how you make a convincing argument is you make a convincing argument.
No, how you make a convincing argument is you make a convincing argument.
The composition was just a wee bit too flat but I voted for this one as well.
Sure but honestly that's the risk we all have to take when it comes to mass drawdown of weaponry. It stands to reason that as a rule of thumb criminals are always going to have you outgunned and a transitional period during which guns are recently banned but not eradicated off the black markets is going to be…
The idea behind guns being banned - as I outlined in my other post is not to prevent circumstances and situations of potential violence but rather to increase the difficulty of procuring more efficient options for murder than it is at the present.
They absolutely are prone to human failure but you're missing the larger more important point which is that you're not trying to reduce the actual occurrence of lethal insanity in the world - that's impossible and anyone sensible will admit to that.
Except that they fucking haven't and if you look past surface details the two games couldn't be more dissimilar. Brawl is a bloody abomination of a game that implemented a new feature so poorly most people can't even be bothered to play with it on. Don't you freaking dare come in here with the supposition that Brawl…
I'm so incredibly sorry that you're so terrible at doing your job.
Superman is the worst fucking superhero in existence. What are you on about?
If you understand their position to be that of attempting to enforce their own microcosmic model of society upon the larger society then that is not a contradictory statement at all.
Fact remains that how he proceeded with that information was unbelievably amateurish and unfathomably inefficient in how he attempted to root out those spies. You state it as though his methods were vindicated by the fact that he had a few positives in a sea of negatives while completely ignoring the fact that there…
Sincerely, fuck you friend groups and fuck your diplomacy. There IS no diplomacy when these assholes are legitimately advocating taking away fundamental rights of their fellow citizens just because of their personal beliefs.
That you can even type such a thing seriously speaks ill of your ability to appraise videogames in any meaningful way.
Speak for yourself. Some of us don't like edgeguarding and a majority airplay game and would actually prefer to beat our opponents to death rather thank knocking them into the stratosphere.
I think the element you're missing in all of this is that the meter efficiency between levels of supers is significantly worse the higher you get up in the levels.
Ugh, less of that please. I hate ring-out type games.
Given the general portrayal of her throughout the rest of the trailer coupled with the long history of Lara Croft's sexualization the hypothesis is not really that outlandish, no.
Next you're going to tell me that the vast divide between representations of male and female characters can be chalked up to the natural order of things or some horseshit like that.
Thank you for your completely irrelevant, wholly unrelated tangent. Please come again.
If they were allowed to be both then show their fucking faces in the picture. Cropping things in such a manner is objectifying in exclusivity.
Uh, no. The reason why prejudice and discrimination still exists is because prejudicial people create rules and institutions that exclude the people against which they're prejudicial.