
Yes but you stand your ground with regards to not compromising the efficacy of the programs. This is what confounds me: Obama clearly and without much difficulty scuttled portions of his own programs that literally hampered their efficacy while still touting them as 'the best new liberal ice cream' when in fact it

@la.donna.pietra: its reputation is well-earned. Riverside is only maligned for the quality of its education. Irvine is rightfully scorned for the atrociousness of its campus culture, or rather sanctimonious lack thereof.

@deitybox: Ahahahahahaha, oh man. If we're one of the most liberal campuses in the US, everywhere else must be run by the Taliban.

@Grimwolf: Attention online skews both ways. When you don't reciprocate appropriately to men's doting adulations you're labelled a bitch, slut, whore, anything under the sun simply for not following the dictates of somebody else's expectations.

This perspective - respectfully - is idiotic and assigns just as much of the same problems of modern-day military videogaming to an older era. There never was and never shall be an ideal moment where ideals were clear and war can be defined as resolutely good or your enemies can be easily discerned from one another.

Achievements work well for arbitrary games that really don't delve into that sense of exploration and what haves but if you're going for the sense of exploration and excitement, achievement-free is pretty good. I mean, if the achievements, gel directly with regular gameplay activity and conver benefits in a sort of

@Kickstand27: Once America stops upholding the pretense of being 'leader of the free world ' and levying its only moral superiority as a cudgel to bludgeon other nations into behaving better, then maybe the rest of the world will have good reason to stop expecting so much of us.

@Cyprusbill (R.O.A.C.H.): You're an idiot and a fool. Only the fearful and weak resort to torture not because of some misguided moral sense of liberal bleeding heart humanity but because of a single indelible fact about torture:

@Lexenerous Mexredorous: I'm going to reply to your comment because this sort of slander ought not go uncommented upon.

@Xemnaroc: This is a problematic comment with which I disagree but it was well-written and earnest so I decided to approve it such that people could hopefully read it and decide for themselves which perspective holds more weight.

@Monstercloud: You neither listen, read, nor response coherently in any which way shape or form. I have been trying to communicate. You have either not heard, not read, or not understood. In any even this speaks to a failing on your part.

@Alchemistmerlin: I understand that you are a scrupulous individual and that you contribute meaningfully to our society but it cannot be denied that there is a very viable, very profitable, and very powerful segment of your industry that profits off of the foul-ups of its customers.

@Alchemistmerlin: I agree, it is incredibly irresponsible but I theorize that a good portion of why those essential courses that enabled self-sufficiency were removed from the American curriculum was that they were too effective in teaching Americans how to fend for themselves.

@Monstercloud: I've said it once, I'll say it again, and I'll say it ten billion times into the future.

@snootpelt: Dude, 'staying power' for afghanistan essentially means building the rough equivalent of the entire history of our nation in about a 10th of the timeframe.

@Chewbenator: Yeah, exactly what I was about to say. People who go balls-up about how 'expensive' our domestic programs are never, ever, ever look at the defense budget.

@Monstercloud: And the point being that just because said person is not part of Population X it does not automatically invalidate the relevance or efficacy of said proposed solution to problems within Population X.

@Monstercloud: It'd behoove you not to admit to not having read your opponent's arguments before typing out a response. Furthermore at this point you're resorting to ad hominem, which quite frankly awards the debate in my favor.