@Uncommon Whore: I've got money on she's from Orange County
@Uncommon Whore: I've got money on she's from Orange County
@2Rubies: They've got one on Mother Jones about how the FBI places green environmental groups at the top of their domestic terrorism charts yet these people have at most set fire to empty buildings and set SUVs on fire.
In all honesty it's stuff like this that makes me really wonder how do you take down an organization like Operation Rescue?
@Penny: Very quickly, I was going to say something but everyone pretty much covered all the bases so I'd just like to say, I love Jezebel so much.
This. Looks. Horrifying.
Corruption is endemic especially in the rural regions of India innit? That's why the pink sari gang was formed.
@dasNeonlicht: In a perfect world a lot of things would be free.
If people are even contemplating sex-selected abortions isn't that a problem with the parents and not say, the medical procedures that guided them to that decision?
@NefariousNewt: You're probably right. When I was growing up I was bullied the shit out of my mind and administrators never did nothing because the kids that did it were leading members in the school PTA. Admins are ultimately more concerned with their own jobs than the actual nitty gritties of school and child…
@BabyJane: He thinks this dinosaur business is all going to blow up in the end.
@earthgirl: Yeah I heart his counter-argument to his political rivals about how they were all a bunch of corrupt politicians and I was like, wellll.... he does have a point.
Give me a reason to hate all of you more. Ugh. Damn right Pro-lifers I'm going to judge you by your worst members, fairness be damned.
@kkatt: Wordahken He did plenty with one speech methinks.
@hortense: I'd like to thank 7th grade for making me the fucked-up person I am today.
@queenieinmanhattan: Did you pre-empt that response tweet by screaming loudly and smashing your head into any nearby breakable object you could find? Because that's what I would have done.
@Kali Mama: I'd go with unnerving or distasteful or awkward personally. Or disjointed. Or incongruous. I like incongruous.
@FurrierAndIves: It's because they're both commonly read female authors in elementary school and memory being what it is, people blend together around that age.
@vamusical: I guess it matches her glasses? Ionno
@maybeimamazed02: Damn I fail.