
That would be weird, because he always has been Terry McGinnis for me.

I remember watching her in "A Knight's Tale". Great actress, and all-around hottie.

This Dutch biking sideways phenomenon needs a picture and a "Like A Boss" text in it.

This will dragon nicely.

I've been following this in Boston Globe's twitter, updated information there as far as I can tell. Prayers and well wishes for all the participants, families, and the injured.

My realistic guess: Kobe will be back, but his game style will change dramatically. I'd see him more as a distributing PG, or a spot shooter. Definitely reduced minutes. No more explosive penetrations, or quick first steps. He'll become more cerebral in his play, possibly an extension to what he is doing recently.

Replying so that I can save this later, thanks!

The whole video simply enhanced my interest in buying this. Reminded me of those times when I have to re-record on a betamax tape those GI Joe episodes that I really liked, complete with 80's-tastic animation and plot! Also, I caught a glimpse of a bow and arrow, so that should be awesome as well.

Thanks for this, I've been looking for this for some time now! I guess my google-fu is not as strong as I hoped that's why I've been using a poor version of this as my PS3 wallpaper. No matter, thanks again!

Now that this is mentioned, I did notice that Miranda's writing for ME3 was kind of weak compared to ME2. But what I really found disappointing was the fact that she is not part of your playable squad. As I pointed out somewhere else here, she and Grunt were my primary fire team in ME2, and their combination proved to

This is my fire team, right here, Miranda and Grunt.

I thought this was a regular thing, but I guess a live Q&A with folks in the gaming industry would be nice. I remember you guys did this before, but lately it seems to have fallen on the side.

This is exactly the reason why I enjoyed Mass Effect 2 immensely. I never played the first one, since I am on the PS3; still it did not diminish the level of immersion I had interacting with my crew, and story-wise I caught up with it thanks to the interactive comic included in the game. I can only imagine how I would

Rocksteady and Paul Dini is not involved in this, so I'll probably play it safe and wait for the reviews first. Hopefully they don't fudge this up, and revert Batman again into the bad video games section of gaming history.

To a certain degree, I can relate to this, albeit on another game and on an entirely different circumstance. I never finished Final Fantasy VIII; not because it was too hard for me, or that my saves were corrupted. It was simply because I found the concept of "drawing" spells, and attaching said spells for stats, as

Thanks for the reply, I'll definitely check out that website.

My favorite Mass Effect moment boils down to 2:

This is, by far, my favorite Mass Effect image. I've been scouring the net for a wallpaper version of this image, no luck so far. If somebody here can point me in the right direction, I'd greatly appreciate it.

1) I'm having some worries about my knees, especially when I do squats and lunges. It feels that I'm transferring my weight more on the knees, instead of the heels. As far as upper-body posture, I think I'm doing fine. I read somewhere that one way to combat this is to go wider on the stance, as in a bit more than