
To me, it’s funny how people who are really interested in games get really interested in saving money on games, but they care less about saving money on things that they aren’t obsessed with, like food, clothes, or other things. Same goes for people who are obsessed with other things. Money is money, folks.

either gta: vice city or fallout 4. so basically 80s music versus music about A-bombs

I need to play this, and now I actually know what happened in the ending so I don’t know if the experience will be ruined for me. >.<

Read Dead Redemption. It’s hard to put a finger on a single reason why Red Dead Redemption is so great. It doesn’t do one thing that will make you stand-up and applaud its uniqueness, but the whole package – the environment, the story, which we’re purposely not spoiling here, and the gunplay – all adds up to be a

hi Walf!

Don’t screw this up, Nar.

How strange, me too! We should be friends!

Hai, Narelle! I’m Nach, Big Fan!