
I'm not just saying this just because I like Mad Men, but damn whoever took these photos has one hell of an eye for black and white photography! Here's hoping I can become at least half as good as this photographer.

Wow, Kotaku acting up again huh?

This reminds me

I'm 32 this year, and yeah I'm also noticing the gray hairs on my head. To my genetic credit, I'm not loosing hair (nobody in my family experienced hair loss), so I guess that's something to be thankful for.

Also, I love that cloaked infiltrators can secure objectives without decloaking, it speeds those rounds up so much because I don't have to worry about clearing the area first.

Well, at least when you unlock a krogan, you'll be pretty much set, what with all of that shotgun crap you have lying around there.

I'm feeling your pain in the ME3 multiplayer. I'm a man with simple needs, but I want to try other weapons also. I've been using the semi-auto assault rifle (Matock?) for ALL of my soldiers. I'm not complaining, it's a pretty good weapon for my play style, but seriously, can I try something else now?

Tali, Samara, Iron Man and Lightning wins for me! What great detail! :D

I used to prefer Cutty Sark, but once I had a glass of Johnny Walker Black, then I had some Cutty. The difference is so obvious to me, it was worlds away.

Haha, that's hilarious! Seems like he started a tradition in your school, then? :D

Yeah, Natalie Dormer did a great job portraying Anne Boleyn. Actually, that show did great in casting their actors/actresses. Yeah, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers is great in that show, but I especially liked his performance in "Match Point". Henry Cavill will make a splash with "Man Of Steel".

But they're royalty! I'm willing to bet their lack of hygiene is compensated with large amounts of perfume! :d

Nice! Of course, I won't really call someone who watches quality television as a "nerd".

This weekend, I am doing a "The Tudors" marathon. It's great to watch a show, that actually motivates me to get back into reading history. So, thank you Henry VIII, and thank you too, Amazon Prime.


Yes, check out "What I'm Thinking Of When I Think About Running". My PSN coop buddy, whom I've known since we were 8 y.o., was the one who introduced me to Murakami novels, and "Hard-Boiled Wonderland" is his favorite. Also, you have to read his short-story collections, and his most famous piece "The Wind-Up Bird

By nature, video games are games, and as such, their main purpose is for the entertainment value that they share to the customer. To that extent, game companies and publishers will continue creating games in this light.

Yep, gaijin talent is always nice to see in Japan.

...I tried to think of games that have the same strong story of a human journey of growth, and the few examples that come to mind of having any level of self-discovery generally end with shotguns, big ole swords, or the ability to alter spacetime.