I'm going to regret posting this here, but I simply feel that this needs to be brought to light.
I remember reading in an interview how smoking needs to be an integral part of the show since that was the major trend back then. If no one smoked in that show, then they feel that they took a step away from the realism which they're trying to attain.
If the NES Legend of Zelda is considered an RPG, then that is my first, in all of its internal battery-golden cartridged glory. Otherwise, it has to be Final Fantasy Mystic Quest.
Yep this movie proped the Coen Brothers in my very short favorite directors list. I might have to check out the book then, since I've seen the movie first.
Question: if I go this route, will Sony migrate all of my HD data to the new console? Or will they wipe the data?
No, I completely see your point. Mass Effect 2 convinced me that the galaxy is quite vast. Whenever I needed a couple units of Eezoo, I had to go around, randomly scan and mine planets. Even the mining did not really take away the enjoyment that I had with ME2.
When you try to read the summaries, it will seem that nothing stands out with this show. I suggest you try watching the first few episodes, see if it's up to your standards.
Oh you're right I forgot about that. If I remember correctly, Boyd was trying to kill Eva because she shot Bowman, but Raylan intervened. And now, look at them, working together to get rid of the carpetbagger Quarles.
Yep, a very small role at that, it was a season opener. I think he played a weapons dealer somewhere in South America. And, his role was cut short by a drone.
Also, related to the actual post, here you go.
"Justified", yes one of my current favorite shows. I was immediately hooked when I saw the first episode (shooting that perp in public, then seeing Boyd getting shot in the chest by his wife Eva). What I really liked about the show is their portrayal of the locals in Kentucky. They may seem uneducated folks relying…
I've yet to see the donkey lady in RDR. Rockstart might have patched this already, but it might pique your interest to look for this legendary creature.
Well, most of my shenanigans* involve my coop buddy and Saints Row 2. Great times indeed!
I am a bit worried as I entered Megaton and its a bit boring but I am still at the beginning of the game. I hoping it gets just as good as the beginning of the game and doesn't take too long to get back to the good stuff.
I always thought that her main flaw was that her seeming drive for perfection is always ruined by the fact that she was created to be perfect, thus any kind of success she attains can be attributed to her engineered qualities, and not her hard work. Consequently, because of her being a perfectionist, any failures that…
It is challenging because of the tank controls, but not frustrating at all, it just needs some getting used to. There are sections in the game wherein you really need to talk with your buddy on how to tackle the area, like moving to a position while the other one provides cover, or luring enemies into traps while the…
Can you block in DMC3? I can't be sure, but I don't think there is a block button, so I opted for that play style. Otherwise, I would have bashed into the crowd with swords. But yeah, everytime I play an action game (GoW, DMC, Ninja Gaiden) I always find myself reverting to the same kind of gameplay whenever I can.…
I guess that's the thing, most of the Sain's Book Task didn't really appeal to us during coop. What we should have done more of are the side missions (Professor Genki's is a lot of fun). Whored mode is strange, but at it's very core, is still horde mode. That does not mean it's not fun, of course.
Yes he was. I find that his moveset is more deliberate and methodical, relying more on accuracy and speed. Whereas when I play as Dante, I rely more on his ranged attacks, closing in on melee in between attacks and counting on his wide swipes for crowd control. I guess if I had invested more time with it, I could have…