“Window gets an armrest and a wall. Middle gets two armrests. Aisle gets an armrest and a little bit of extra leg. We’re not animals! We live in a society!”- Plane Etiquette by Jim Jeffries
I happened across not one but TWO bottles of Elijah Craig Barrel Proof today (A119 and B519) and they weren’t even marked up. So no mixer for me this weekend except ice.
Oh boy am I glad this is here. I also didn’t want to be that guy/gal. But I am just finding it hard to have much sympathy … it’s sad to lose a historic site, but that historic site is also steeped in barbaric traditions and archaic ideology. It’s just a nope from me.
I’d rather lack a chest than a brain.
The Catholic Church is also a criminal organization that protects child molesters from prosecution. I honestly don’t know how people justify sitting in the pews and putting money in that collection plate. It is a disgusting organization.
I know the Vatican doesn’t own Notre Dame, but they have a vested interest in its continued existence.
I didn’t want to be that guy, so I appreciate you doing it for me. Also, the Catholic Church is embarrassingly rich and doesn’t pay taxes, they are going to be just fine.
Maybe donate to help an organization that works on something that is important to you?
yes it’s an important building with a lot of history behind it, and I don’t have anything against restoring it or rebuilding it or whatever.
I was going to make a joke about how Stan Lee was really playing Uatu the Watcher in the Marvel films so I googled to see if Uatu had already appeared (I thought we’d seen a Watcher in a montage or something) and of course there’s already a Stan Lee = Uatu fan theory, complete with explanatory youtube videos and an…
Is there any actual data on the risk factors here? We come into contact with all kinds of bacteria on a regular basis, be it through contact with public surfaces everywhere from doors to washrooms to chairs, exchanges of money and other products that come into contact with multiple people, and even being in close…
What kills me is how the State will actively go out of its way to make life harder for you. I got a dumb speeding ticket for $400 so i show up court to see if there something I can do to have it reduced. First off the only people who show up to traffic court are the niave who think they’ll argue their way out of it…
Please identify these great diners that ban very young kids during dinner times, I will patronize them exclusively.
Methink the lady (or entitled Dad) doth protest too much.
Yes, you, a single person who went to this place occasionally put this place on the map, all by yourself, because your level of influence is just that monumental. Also you’re right, they’re rejecting your child specifically - it is a slap in the face to you! Also, you and your child are the most important people in…
I think I saw it on Ugly Delicious or Chef’s Table, but there was an Italian guy talking about how cooking with San Marzano’s or any of the other sought after specialty Italian ingredients only really works if you are in Italy and can get all those ingredients fresh. Otherwise its a total crap shoot.
Avocado Toast
Not for me, I’m afraid.