Emmett Brown's Other Invention

So was I!

I loved that Easter egg!

I catch these on demand so I just saw this one. Too many comments to read through but did anyone else notice the callback to the original movie when Bernard went down to the lower level: that helicopter sound effect and Bernard's flashlight falling briefly on Yul Brynner's "Gunslinger" character leaning against the

Oh right, forgot about that.

And look again but this week's BB easter egg was none other than No-Doze, doomed to be beaten to death five or six years later by Tuco, there helping Nacho swap the baseball cards for the Hummer.

As I commented above, did anyone else remember those two cops from when Skyler called the cops on Walt?

I haven't scrolled through ALL the comments but did anyone else notice that the cops who responded to Daniel's call about the theft were the same two who responded when Skyler White called about Walt not leaving the house?

And in three years and three days there will be an occultation across the whole US, from Washington State down to South Carolina.

Ever see American Beauty? (Spoilers ahead): Kevin Spacey narrates that one even beyond his character checking out.

Ever see American Beauty? (Spoilers ahead): Kevin Spacey narrates that one even beyond his character checking out.

Don't lump libertarianism in with the other two, please. One is based on reason and the other two actively discourage or ignore it.

"..staring blankly into the middle distance." - eminently lyric.

In fact the astronauts' conversations while walking in I Shot An Arrow are very similar to the conversations Taylor has with Landon and Dodge while walking after their crash landing in POTA.

The same virus that kills humans makes apes smarter. Over the 10 years since Rise the virus has done its work on both races.

If you were a woman you'd be the gorilla my dreams.

To show you how long ago 1970 really was, Don Pedro Colley's role is listed in the credits as "Negro".

Lots of words, there.

I also thought about the next movie being called The Planet of the Apes. And as this series of films is a total reboot of the franchise, with the intelligent apes' origin story diverging from the first series why not the astronauts' story too?

Rise fairly blasted the headline: "Lost in Space?" on that newspaper being delivered. Of course it was a basis for the eventual return of unwitting astronauts to a planet very different from the one they left. I do think it will be different this time, thought, in that they won't need to spend a lot of time with the

Just a replay of the spreading lines (this time in red) indicating quick spread of the virus that accompanied the end credits (with yellow lines) of the previous film.