
Error: Terror is an incorrect emotional response. Please reboot Emotion services and try again, failure to do so may result in loss of saved memories.

Ur prtty smrt gy

Counting days till xxxxxxxxxxx is the most unproductive exercise a human being can do, perhaps tied with thinking about the past.

somewhere in the infinitude we are kissing :)

Man, I want to see the hell out of this movie, and I don’t even like Reynolds.

Really, Eugenics is where you go? Troll much?

This is both the best and worst thing I saw today.

If by "an ad" you mean "a personal recommendation from someone who has played a ton of JRPGs and wants his readers to know when a really good one comes out on PC" then yes.

I agree with you. We are lucky and seeing their faces light up like that makes me feel like I need to do something. Eh, we westerners need to be more happy with what we have.

What do you mean? Not everyone will be into TitS. Nothing wrong with that.

These types of well produced shorts give me hope for art.

Great film. Glad I watched it.

Canada rules!

Isn't that how people traditionally used to date? Grandma certainly had several bfs going at all times, most girls did back then. It's just now we add sex to it.