Waiting For The Raptor

Not exactly. There’s a reason we call it “acting childish”. Because even the best kids are still immature. Raising them well still includes a lot of grousing, to yourself, while you’re actively working to get them through to the next phase.

Yeah, I’m talking about the way that kids are sometimes. Anyone who has spent extended time with a toddler or a teen understands the way one does a lot of secret eyerolling/swearing.

What always struck me about that one is, kids are often rude little pigs, but you don’t tell *them* that.

Fuck I love that woman. I’m going to enjoy her statement when she is ready. I know all about that anger layer, and holy shit do I think she’s got some good things to say about this.

So frustrating. The hierarchy has always been, men > boys > girls > women


Ahhhh, I really need a re-watch of this movie!

Hahahahaha yes

It’s disgusting how pervasive it is in Hollywood. And it’s good but also sad that we’re reduced to counting the decent human beings on one hand.

I will take a look!

It’s funny you say this; my mom’s degree was in Art History and studio, and she also can’t stand Ross. But my husband, whose art was photography and digital, absolutely loves the guy. I’ve always wondered why my mom is so against it, and I think it’s probably like you, that she actually spent a lot of time working

That would be amazing

yes, exactly. It’s exhausting.

I should try that. I just finished a great trilogy,and I’m stuck staying up late for work with long stretches of nothing happening...I could use soothing!

Like many people who once worked retail, I love Christmas music but also really hate most of the versions out there. I’m always looking for good artists to do stuff I like...Mann’s is a classic to me. And jazz versions, they do well too.

Damn! ...and here my pagan self thought she was sooooo clever, lol. Thanks for the correction!

I love Dirt Bag but these last few weeks it’s really been Celebrity Barf Bag.

That was so well-written, thank you for that.

Wasn’t that Lot, who was arguing in favour of Sodom? But yeah, apt analogy. Burn the whole thing down.

This guy wins.