Also sickening and I don’t condone that and would support charges against citizens or cops who do so. whatabouting this act doesn’t excuse it.
Also sickening and I don’t condone that and would support charges against citizens or cops who do so. whatabouting this act doesn’t excuse it.
You are SO correct. I had a melon expert (from a big supermarket chain) on a radio show once and the varieties brought to sample were incredible - even the “normal” selections.
People hate melon just to be cool. Hear me out. It’s like “being afraid of clowns” or “hating the word moist” or disliking fruitcake. People just say it because others do.
Yes, it’s also part of the Canadian alphabet. We often append it to the end of sentences when speaking about beer or hockey (or beer and hockey).
No, *was* murdered. Wrapped in plastic. There was a whole weird show about it.
Pretty interesting that the first 5G mast has just gone up in azeroth too.
It’s not that you’re too old, you’re just too much of an asshole.
You crack yer eggs? Well how’s the terlet paper sitchyation in the castle, yer highness?
Out here in the country we just crack the eggs, don’t cook ‘em up, and instead of cheese, use Natural Lite beer. Thank the lord someone from New York City invented the egg sandwich as it’s too complicated a puzzler for anybody outside the big city.
If the discussions were becoming “Animal Crossings New Horizons multiplayer functions are really bad, so this is now the worst Animal crossing game to ever come out and Nintendo is doing this because they hate the fans, and now I’m going to look at different game assets and use them as examples of Nintendo’s laziness”…
I’d argue there’s a difference between criticizing a flaw in a game and spamming literally every tweet a company makes with outrage. I don’t know if telling the people doing the latter to shut up is a great move, but saying “these people need to chill the fuck out” isn’t the same as “nobody can criticize anything ever.…
Glad I’m sticking with digital PC downloads!
That wasn’t satire. the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues is satire.
The man is holding a Glock pistol. Glocks are commonly chambered for either 9mm or .40 caliber rounds. Do you know how many walls and objects a 9mm or .40 round can penetrate before coming to a stop? Most common tests have rated them to effectively pierce around three to six standard house/apartment walls or traveling…
As someone who has eschewed animal products since 1998 (see what I did there?), I’d like to punch this protester right in the chick nuts. For one thing, there’s a time and a place for everything, and this wasn’t it. For another, she’s causing more harm than good and making those of us who embrace animal welfare a…
“So it’s cool when a Director, who took a few science classes in University, calls a potential pandemic virus “business as usual on planet Earth” but when an (“annoying”) astrophysicist says New Year’s Eve (actually, “Day”, but whatever) is cosmically insignificant, it’s “snooty bullshit.””
It is.
That you can’t see…
The “coffee is hot lol, dumbass” joke fades as soon as you actually look at the case and discover that the coffee was so hot it fused a 79-year-old woman’s labia together.
So you’re saying Twitter is filled with motherfuckers?