It’s about ethics in flames journalism.
It’s about ethics in flames journalism.
This is the dumbest discourse. The concept of villains in fiction shouldn’t be “cancelled.” Just because someone voices a villainous character, it doesn’t mean they condone their villainous actions.
I put together an absolute fuckton of Gunpla and I panel line and apply decals. I could NEVER paint one to look this good and I doubt you could either. So in closing, shut the fuck up.
Yeah exactly, this article is trying to have it both ways and it just comes off as incredibly hypocritical.
“Wow, politico are such jerks for making people at LOTO look like rubes. But, yeah, they’re rubes. Just don’t have to say it out loud, Politico. That’s rude.”
a “Chinese medical school” in New Mexico.
A few things (I’m an attorney that dabbles in some defamation cases in the greater LA area). The complaint itself is pretty terribly written and seems to be written for the purposes of media consumption (the identifying of someone as a “then girlfriend” while going to great lengths to explain they were not in fact his…
Yeah, the amounts listed sound idiotic. I mean, if you were hungry and ate a big meal at this place at these supposed levels, you’d have a Very Bad trip and never even think of returning. And if you actually foolishly drove there and ate one of these meals, there’s no damn way you’re driving the fuck home! I too, call…
There’s really no need for the “Um.”
Youngsters may not know this, but back in the day, most people’s only mode of transportation was a typewriter, and in the winter months, you had to sleep with the ”motive ribbon” to keep it warm so it would start in the morning. The upside is that typewriter gas, which contained real cocaine back then, only cost 12…
Some money got laundered.
Is there no gay man at the AV Club who could write an article about queer casting in the only movie my gay ass has been excited about since 1997? I feel like I just ran into Lena Dunham in the bathroom at a gay bar. Artie could be the love child of Blaine Edwards and Antoine Merriweather and he still wouldn’t be as…
That’s abjectly false, an outright lie even. The term race is used repeatedly and interchangeably with species in the game. It’s used more frequently than species even. Source: literally replaying the games now and noticing it, so don’t lie.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the “genetic pain and suffering” that resulted from my grandfather being forced into an orphanage an entire state away from his relatives who wanted to keep him and being adopted three full years after his siblings were placed into another family together. (I guess two orphans…
no dicks at the family reunion
When dumpling guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have dumplings.