I dunno, I’m with Socrates on this one, I feel like the younger generations have been getting lazier and lazier for much longer, now demanding all their thoughts be WRITTEN DOWN since the can’t be assed to just remember them.
I dunno, I’m with Socrates on this one, I feel like the younger generations have been getting lazier and lazier for much longer, now demanding all their thoughts be WRITTEN DOWN since the can’t be assed to just remember them.
Yeah, boy I’d sure love to try out what is sure to be a mediocre and overpriced vegan bowl, but damn it if I’m just not sure it’s worth the measles!
Your ass is Dragon, your ass is draggin’.
I got it from a friend who got it from a friend who heard it from another you’ve been stealing their shit.
He’s Tokyo Drifting in heaven now.
But Link still has long hair...
I have some criticisms for this post. You wrote pretty much the same thing 4 times with nary any variety. The posts all read the same. Gone was any attachment to anything in this thread since it either redundant or was never fleshed out.
Khmer Red Ale?
“Personally I’m not really that into nietzsche or Ayn Rand since I’m not 15 anymore...”
Personally I’d like to see a lot more words defined in articles. And grammar rules. And maybe a little math.
“Very easy to write off something when you’re only grasping a tiny, tiny fraction of its totality, is what I’m saying.”
I always appreciate it when things like this are talked about, and when people share their stories.
Slander. I have never put a chemical in my body, and never will.
A child’s unfettered joy at a perfectly executed, majestic, powerful aerial goal in the closing moments of a ranked match. Truly awe inspiring.
Ummm, pardon?
He’s absolutely entitled to due process in the legal system.
Hmmm, good suggestions!
The point is that someone railing against “this class of people who — I’m sorry this is radical — have too much money” but who has several hundred million dollars in the bank is a little tone deaf.
Ah geez, I don’t want to hear about Conan’s pale down-under skin!
Oh sure, he’s got enough time to write and direct a film, but not enough to clear those damn bricks off his lawn!