
I was mentioned by name in a suicide note by a boy I'd turned down. While I feel badly for his death, I do not, cannot and WILL NOT take blame for his actions because I refused to date him. I am so sick of this idea that men are owed a date/kiss/blowjob/anything just because they want it. Nobody owes anybody

"Mental illness" is an excuse used when privileged White males commit crimes against less privileged people.

They aren't mutually exclusive, but one doesn't excuse the other.

Imagine a campaign to get cars to look twice for motorcycles before changing lanes. What if a car driver got upset by that and said "NOT ALL CARS HIT MOTORCYCLES!!!1!" Like, duh, but it's still an important message, and your reaction makes absolutely no sense.

If that is the least homophobic and most accepting person in the world, we are all royally fucked.

We had a Diversity Day in my high school, and one of my classmates, without a trace of irony, raised his hand and said out loud "I'm not homophobic, I just hate gay people."

Perhaps "Craugh"?


You forgot "heart," "gamers" and "lunchpail guy". Oh, and hustle I guess.

Easy answer to the question posed in the title: the Flyers. Send Thank You letters in care of: " Paul Holmgren's incompetence," LA fans.

Bullying? yes. But it is also rape.

I remember when I played baseball as a kid, I was listless. Lazy. Slouchy. Then one day, my coach showed me the error of my ways by saying I should go fuck myself with two helmets covered in pine tar and duck-taped to a 34-inch Louisville Slugger. Sideways. Not only did I out-dive and out-routine every other player in

Excellent, well-researched piece. Although I agree with the criticisms of Athlete Ally, as a gay man who came out in 1973 I am pleasantly astonished that we have a problem of a straight man grandstanding and wanting attention in a quest to make life easier for gay athletes. I can remember when NO straight men would

I think we could all use a hedgehog in an egg cup.

Easily replaced by "why was she so snippy?"

Let's all bookmark this for the next time some MRA asks, "why didn't she just go to the police?"

I actually brought this up but he just started screaming.

It doesn't logically follow from that that they'd have lasted longer if they'd been "open" from the get-go. Most people living who get married want monogamy, at least they did when they got married. Otherwise, they wouldn't get married. Of course, there are still a lot of people in cultures where getting married isn't

What horseshit. As the last census pointed out, 71% of people who are married are still with their original partner. But everything you've said this far is also horseshit.