
What many of these guidelines and laws fail to do is state explicitly that vehicles are not obligated to make enough room for you to pass between them. It is frustrating to see motorcyclists rev their engines or honk their horns in an attempt to get cars to shift in their lane to let them by. In some cases, I've seen

I find there to be an interesting parallel between impressions of motorcycles and of guns:

I have read them all. They just don't compare is why.

If it was at Berkeley, we might have been in the same class!

Because CS Lewis is lame and/or a crypto-theologian?

Well, Tom, if you can think of a better term to describe songs from The Sound Of Music, I'd sure like to hear it.

You picked a great time to go after Hinkie. Less than 24 hours after your original article he had his most Hinkiest day yet.

This team will be fine. I'm sure that calming veteran influence of new addition JaVale McGee will do wonders for the development and maturity of Joel Embiid.

I've coached youth and Little League Baseball for quite a while and it's just so ridiculous the extent to which adults will do things for their own egos that just ultimately harm the kids they coach (who often are their own children). If you want to go out and just pull together an over-the-top superstar team as a

Adults always ruining it for the kids..

Corruption? From Chicago? Noooooo....

It's funny how he's latched on to exactly the things that made it such a success - that it relied on a classic hero's arc and an old-fashioned style - and painted them as negative traits.

2 days before the Super Bowl he said that he can do whatever he wants, and that after his first Super Bowl win the coaching staff lets him be a Field General more and that he doesn't need so much approval for anything anymore.

So I'll edit this as I read further, but so far just for the first story.

Right, bc no one tells you how much you're going to love your baby. Oh wait, every freaking person tells you that from the time you are four about how awesome being a mommy is. Not exactly a newsflash.


Good gravy.

You know, I try really hard to avoid getting offended by others writing about their experience. But FFS, women are already given way too much shit for admitting that they are not perfect moms all of the time. With both my children, I struggled through difficult pregnancies, fell instantly in love when I met them (and

I'll tell you what nobody warned me about: All the goddamned laundry. We went from doing laundry maybe twice a week to doing it three or four times A DAY. (Granted, we had twins, but still.) Even having lived through it, I still do not understand how they generate so much laundry.