
Is that sarcasm? That sounds like sarcasm. It's sarcasm, right?

It's hard for people with good health care to understand just how poorly the poor, the non-English speakers, non-whites get treated. Stuff a suburban white person takes for granted often just doesn't exist for a lot of people, even with the ACA.

"The sanitary crusade of the nineteenth century is central to the violent project of empire."

This really confuses me. Each dragon can see a GED and knows there are 99 GEDs in the set of GEDs on the island. They knew "at least one" GED existed before they were told. And they also know that each of the other dragons knows the same thing, since they know the other dragons can see a GED, too (they can see 99

"Strip away Book Amy's complexities and you're left with little more than "crazy fucking bitch.""

"The overall male-to-female ratio is 115:100 among single adults ages 25 to 34."

Right? I can't count how many times I've had a conversation just like this

Watching the video, I'd be shocked if the bruising arose from anything other than her falling to the ground. There's just not enough momentum anywhere else. And that, frankly, is her fault. She struggled, tried to run away, and fell to the ground without any help from the cop at all that I can see. He looks like

You are absolutely wrong. You seem like you have kids. Ever tried to get a struggling 4-year old into a pair of shoes they d0n't want to wear? Kicking their feet, rolling on the ground, flailing their arms? Unless you use your weight to keep the kid still, I guarantee you can't do it.

We can play choose your own adventure! You are the cop. You don't subdue the arrestee, and instead check to see if she's ok. She (1) stumbles up and bangs her head on that car; (2) attacks him; (3) attacks someone else; (4) starts to run, slips, and FALLS DOWN HARD ON HER STOMACH, INJURING HER BABY or (5)

What are these different procedures? I've never seen any training, anywhere, for special "subduing a pregnant person" procedures.

Would a slightly less hard shove have been ok? Say a gentle push? Or is he limited to a strongly worded rebuke? Or should he just glare stonily in the hopes that the person stops interfering on her own?

I'd rather watch Katherine McPhee just say "Comic book" over and over for 40 minutes than see another second of this crap.

I think you meant "OOOOOOH, WHOA!!!!11!! YEAH, WHAT ABOUT THEM!11!!1111!

So many questions! Perhaps you're confused by the difference between "states" and "cities," and so you think that comparing the problems of 3 of the 10 largest cities in the US tells us something about state policy? Or perhaps you're confused by the difference between "providing health care which is not 100%

Possible, but not really likely. Very, very few chimps have access to the internet.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm no longer into piling into shitstorms after some kid has recognized they've done something stupid, apologized, and tried to move on without making things worse/stupider.

To be "popular" shouldn't your activity at least have more members than a medium-sized megachurch? I mean, more people saw Gigli in the theater than do this, and we don't say Gigli is a popular movie.

That's not strictly speaking true.