John Smith

Never heard of the morning-after pill, huh?

Yeah. Strange that people comment on womens' appearance. Its not like women are ever insecure about their appearance and appreciate a compliment.

You don't read the news, do ya?

I wonder how many were rape-babies.

like you did??

You should fix your problem by having another kid. What's one more ?

Lol. Whooooops. Why the hell did you get married?!?! Lol

You'll give in. And regret it. lol

You'll give in. And regret it. Lol

Lol. Or, make a decision and clearly communicate it. lol

Lol. You mean he's going to change his mind, or you never discussed it?!

Most kids are mistakes. Only delusional white people believe otherwise.

You mean 'discipline' them, of course.

I wish you the best. I'm happy for you and hope you've found peace. Godspeed.

I'd scream as loud as possible and tell everyone who's listening that the guy in pointing at out his hand up my skirt.

of you could try answering my question. Why do women stay in relationships with men telling them they're not good enough?

Hey now! Guilt tripping is exactly what abusers do. Go pull that shit on someone insecure enough to believe it, which, apparently, shouldn't be too difficult.

No thanks. Women make their friends victims too, and are inconsiderate of their feelings.

Being there when they finally snap out of it? It's my experience they become a jerk and push everyone away, and ignore everyone's advice before that happens.

Who the fuck would stay in a relationship with someone, TELLING them they're not good enough? What kind of masochist desires that?