John Smith

I would say it matters because ID believers have tried to remove references to observable scientific fact from books about science used in public schools, instead wishing to "teach the controversy," which does not exist at all in the scientific community. The established view in the United States is most certainly not

Because the theory of evolution is one of the most important theories to come from the scientific method and should be taught in schools so that kids understand how to formulate and test observations and ideas. Intelligent Design has attempted to claim the deductive powers of science, while being based on faith; faith

I did once see a workhorse evolved into a jackass.

It's just not fair, how you white people suffer.

The Star Spangled Banner? On a guitar?? I don't think anyone's going to find this acceptable.

I don't care. I'm not going back to loose powder or liquid detergent. If a couple of kids have to die for my laundry-doing convenience then, well, that's how you make omelettes.

I mean, someone should probably let Grandma stop watching the children. Technology has clearly gotten too advanced for someone to see that and be like "ill give my grandchild this lavender linen scented teething toy that I've never seen before, and pulled out of a Tide container."

Smart parents keep shit like this away from kids.

the sad thing is your friend sees her only job prospects in flaunting her body. or maybe she likes this kind of work? I never encouraged my daughters to pursue gymnastics or dance because I figured, "what will they do when they grow up...be a cheerleader?" I'd rather pay for soccer or music lessons. I've had 27

A friend of mine was an NFL cheerleader about 8 years ago, as well.

You bring up some good thoughts, but I think some of the underlying premises are incorrect (in this context). Professional cheerleading in the NFL is not a true career/vocation. People don't do it for the rest of their lives (or even temporarily) to support their families. It's an ancillary hobby that just happens

Wow you went to insults quickly. Being in the top 10th percentile of SAT scores, I think I did just fine with my analogies. But how about reading comprehension then? You probably missed the part where I said the "best way to analogize it may be...", meaning it was an example. I neither implied nor explicitly

I'm on your side here. It's a hobby. Not a career or even a part-time job. The turnover rate is insane, so it's not a viable long-term deal either. She literally said yeah, it's awful, but it sure is great to be with the NFL. I'm not disagreeing that the guidelines are horrifyingly, insanely bad (they are), but she

The Gawkerati and their Norma Rae shit have come out of the woodwork... for Cheerleading. It's so absurd I'm not sure if I want to laugh or cry. Oh, the popular pretty girl's lament!!!!

I'm a former Ravens cheerleader as well. Professional cheerleading in the NFL is not a job. Everyone on the Ravens knows this and either has a FT job/career, is currently a student, or is looking for a FT job/career. It is a hobby and literally no one does it for the purpose of earning a living for his/herself or

Yeah, except that's not remotely what I said.

I'm not saying the cheerleaders can't complain, but they're all easily replaceable, and if the job itself disappeared tomorrow, nothing of value will have been lost.

Probably because we're talking about NFL cheerleaders and not, say, the migrant worker that picks your vegetables.

I....don't really see the issue here? No one is forcing anyone to be a cheerleader, or pretty, or flat chested, or big boobed, and if you wanna do it, do it, if you don't, don't, and get a job doing something either 1) More productive and 2) Less based on your physical attractiveness?

The way they make this out to be some sort of miserable serf system is ridiculous. No one is forcing them to be on this squad. If the weight/appearance/hairstyle/attendance requirements are so awful, they could always, you know.....not be an NFL cheerleader? Or am I crazy.