John Smith

Sure. We'll schedule abstinence, uh um, I mean comprehensive sex ed. right before creationism, uh, um, I mean biology after prayer, uh, I mean the daily moment of silence.

try telling that to an agnostic.

No such thing as a soulmate?

Your Cuba analogy speaks volumes. You literally picked the best analog, although for reasons I'm sure you'll never understand.


Why are you so concerned about a sadist whose been forced to be human, against her will, and after the fact?

You're not from the south, are you?

Well, the distinction is one has done these several times, and one is describing an ironic hypothetical scenario in which exactly the same cruelty is visited upon the murderer.

I still have my doubts...

do you know who this woman is? What she did? We're talking about the epitome of creepy.

Can she be convincing as a detective?

I hope she's as innocent now as her victims were. Then she can feel the fear and terror of dying innocent when her cell mates rip her to shreds. In this hypothetical karmic scenario.

Of course she's changed.

In all seriousness, yes, people can change. Some choose not to. I change. I'm not the same person I was 5 years ago, 10 years, 20 years ago.

Fuck her. Fuck her in the abdomen with a 6 inch blade, over and over and over.

Precisely. Choice. Glad to hear she gets it finally at 102.

awww, don't get your camo panties in a bunch.

Dammit. Forgot the camo.

Christ. An authentic country experience would be no minorities or gays, or teeth. Bad accents and grammar, poor hygiene. Misplaced pride in ones knowledge, patriotism and religiosity. Pick-up trucks and small arms, some fired accidentally , some intentionally. Meth sores and an abundance of dream-catcher tattoos. Lots

Children are tolerable in small, easy to chew bites.