John Smith

What was?

Psh, as a real man I use privilege and status to intimidate soil from my ear canals.

Is that what you think people in the ghetto are?? I don't.

... or uncooperative lunatics screaming obscenities.

You're projecting your subjective views. Says more about you than me. How embarrassing for you!

At least Katie had her looks to fall back on so she can marry a man with a real career.

Need we any more proof that news is entertainment? At least it distracts Americans from their growing diabetes anxiety.

No surprise, in a world where blacks are christian and women vote for republicans. Even gays can lack critical thinking skills. GASP!

You must not fly often.

Individuals that believe in ghosts should be forced to learn physics, and demonstrate competency in said subject.

I believe in ghosts. They all appear to me in the form of Palestinian children's bloody torsos.

Racism? Was that you they dragged off the plane?

They're ignoring it because it's unpleasant. Maybe this nonsense is entertainment in the ghetto, but the rest of civilization is repulsed by this behavior.

She had the choice to leave on her own power. How long should the standoff continue?

Yes it does. It's nice that there's at least a few public spaces where personal psychological disorders don't make everyone else's experiences unbearable. Her medicated or get off the plane. Society doesn't revolve around you.

"I am 23 years old"

She sure handled it the right way , whatever the circumstances, right?

I joke about culling the herd, of course. It nevertheless is depressing how stupid the general public is. It's enraging that a segment of that sample is gleefully ignorant.

Start a Kickatarter campaign for her. I'm sure the wealth of misplaced sympathy in our society will donate enough money for her to rebuild her collection and hire private security.

On the spectrum of human suffering, this is damn near an orgasm.