John Smith

"That's true injustice. I weep for her."

30,000 Americans die of influenza each year, and people are still afraid of plane crashes, spiders, and Ebola. I could probably be persuaded by a charismatic autocrat that progress requires a policy of systematic liquidation of large swaths of the population. I think we could stand to lose half the population, when

It's nice to see Mike McQueary working again.

It's great to see the two amateur porn stars reunite. Maybe they can suck a dick together, on camera for old times sake.

I'm seeing something else...

I feel the same way every time a Palestinian child's torso is torn ripped apart by cluster munitions. Fap-worthy.

I prefer Americans homeschooled on creationism and homeopathy. They make for better patriots b

Nothing more heartwarming than overweight jingoists celebrating their 5th grade-level of patriotism in tandem with sports. I can almost smell the SPF 45 in their fanny-packs.

You're a hero, son. A true patriot.

Joseph Smith was a real person too.

I'll pull a gun on anyone I damn well please. Not taking my confession first?! I pop a cap in your celibate ass, father!

The big O was splainin to the local yokels that he signed an executive order, halting the construction of the Ark, because it his duty as president to prevent citizens from contaminating their children's brains.

Partick Swayze


your eyesores are for you? Even the one on your back that you can't see? Makes perfect sense.

He's found jesus too, right?

You're the one misusing the label 'Catholic', smartass. You're defending a position you don't hold and a religion you marginally adhere to. The next time you feel the need to reply to a comment about actual Catholics, assume the speaker isn't talking about you.

Uh, no, you get defined by your doctrine, which you're supposed to be following. Catholic Doctrine pertaining to homosexuality is crystal clear.

Really? Avarice is beneath him?

It was scripture that scared me away.