
I’m not. These assholes always take the easy way out. I want them to suffer in prison.

Being that he’s dead now, I hope that his estate will be paying her medical costs.

Poor woman, fighting for her life while that miserable POS got a quick end to his. I hope she pulls through and is able to live a happy, pain-free life.

Dear Literally Anyone Who Ever Makes A Batman Film In The Future,

Three more days and Lent is over! WANT CHOCOLATE.

This is truly one of life’s great mysteries. I honestly feel a little startled when I find out he’s actually in another movie. He’s so unmemorable.

Ben Affleck always looks miserable. That is his resting face.

Burning question tho, who actually likes Ben Affleck? Besides Matt Damon, and white men (they don’t have reliable taste regardless) Like as an actor, his directing is fine, but when a project is announced who really is like, “omg i hope they cast ben affleck he would be perfect for that” Who? James Franco? I’m just

I’m sure the paycheck helped with the divorce expenses.

I came here expecting:


I've never read the book, but I've heard it's a trainwreck so...

Donate them to people who enjoy doing book sculptures?

I am very anti burning books, but I won’t stand in the way here.

The 100 kills off regular characters all the time. Most of Clarke’s previous love interests are dead, too. I agree that overall this a major issue in LGBT representation but I'm not sure The 100 is a good example.

This sounds like a good compromise. Yes Jeremy we will continue to lust after you but you are only allowed to speak in Shakespeare.

Shut up, Scar, you murdering lion jerk face.

Jeremy, please stop talking. Or when you talk just recite Shakespeare or something. You’re one of my forever crushes, but the more you talk the harder it is to imagine you in my bed.

I still have nightmares about this dog walking look.