
The prosecution fucked this one up. The women should have been told all of this way before the trial. That the women are now saying that they only learned about the power of “post-incident conduct” during the trial is a complete indictment of the failure of the prosecution. The prosecutors should have been sitting

I agree with you on all of this. I don’t see how the judge could have come to a “Guilty” verdict based on what was presented at trial. But NOT because I think Ghomeshi didn’t do it, but because I think the Crown fucked up terribly and basically handed the whole thing over to the defense by not preparing their

I went and read the actual decision linked in the article and it might make you feel a bit better to know that that quote is actually taken pretty badly out of context. While I still think the judge is totally wrong, he actually is very clear to qualify his statement. The full paragraph is:

This morning on MSNBC, he said “If Trump wins, we’ll have to build a wall to keep people IN.” And then “John Kasich would beat Hillary by eleven points, so obviously he’s out.”

“Donald Trump is so orange that he makes John Boehner look like an albino.”

I think it would be fun if the big reveal were that she was pregnant with twins, one fathered by each man, and then they all moved in together in a lovely polyamorous arrangement. I realize the movie will not end like that.

This looks so bad but I would watch Emma Thompson/Colin Firth in anything and will absolutely cave and watch it :(

Yeah, maybe don’t buy lsd from a stranger on the street. Who knows what it actually was.

Birth control should be fucking free, period.

I am more annoyed with Kandi for not being able to see that she and Todd the Toad are equally if not more to blame for their problems. You gotta be a friend to have a friend and it’s clear that Kandi isn’t friends with anyone she doesn’t pay or isn’t related by blood.

Agreed. I think it’s sort of symptomatic as to how numb we have become to this...which is not a good thing.

Whoa, it just occurred to me that Juicy Joe will be doing his time at Fort Dix...alongside Apollo Nida, onetime beloved of Ms. Phaedra Parks, Esq., of the Atlanta Southern Belles Coalition of Funereal Proprieters™ and RHOA.

Henry. Henry. In the words of the great Donna Meagle, “You fine but ya simple”

I want Cavill, Jamie Dorner and Robert Pattinson to do terrible movie together (preferably soft core erotica with paranormal elements). The press tour would be gold. Cavill would say all sorts of tone deaf things, Dorner would look sort of awkward and embarrassed and Pattinson would straight out say that he hated it.

He's not even the sexiest batman! That title belongs to Keaton!

“Maybe that’s because not everybody slogged through The Tudors like I did, motherfucker! You’re not that famous here yet! But give it time, my charmless prince. Give it time! One day—if you try hard enough—the world will recognize you and you’ll finally be happy.”

He’s not. Don’t worry.

Has he said anything about the botox yet, though?

Mel sex and a baby to deal with? Hard pass.