
Yeah people need to articulate better and a lot of responses were rude and heinous but your initial comment was very dismissive; “Cry me a fucking river.” Not to say you deserved the vitriol but you had to know it was coming/ would come right?

Well some bars are more child friendly, especially in places like Brooklyn where I suppose the communities are more family orientated? Wineries - it also depends. Every venue is unique so it’s best to inquire.

The author was never asked to leave, at least not according to what she wrote in the article, yet she sensationalized the headline to seem that was the case. I can definitely see how she could think her child quiet when the reality might not be so.

I hear you. There’s entitlement and entitlement. She has the right to give her child the best possible care and I think having the child onsite is fine but having the child in the actual conference room is not okay.

The 10 other people who recommend my comment and the others who will star must all be trolls too huh? Cool, whatever justification you need to make to yourself.

You replied to me and I responded.

I agree and I’m also not trying to be negative but this story was really sensationalized.

Ok so they were present at the ceremony and on route to the reception they got into an accident? Because I read the article as if she got the call right after saying “I do” and they weren’t present for that part which makes me think what person would proceed with the ceremony without important family there but ok.

Yeah it’s tough. I’m in the US and look at Sandy Hook and other such. To my knowledge, no such incident has occurred in SA (I don’t included the Soweto Uprising during Apartheid because that was military state driven event) that an indiviual/s walked in and gunned down kids… Nowhere is safe really.

I got it, I was defending you with the comparison thing but I agreed with the commenters other points.

When did I ever say “down with mothers” I was specifically remarking on your reply. I never address the contents of the article at all in my reply to you.

LOL Again, another emotional, irrational response.

Reading through this thread a big question occurred to me. What does feminism have to do with motherhood or where does motherhood/ parenthood fit in with feminism? You don’t chose your gender (trans is not a choice IMO) so fighting for equality between the sexes is a necessity but you do choose (mostly) to become a

Urgh, people do bring babies to bars and movies - R-rated I guess they can *rolling my eyes* but I swear I’ve seen kids in NC - 17 too.

That’s another good point. I’ve been to classes where the instructor brought a dog. The dog was very well behaved but it was disruptive. From people greeting the dog, to attention being taken whenever the dog moved or walked around. Introducing a “foreign object” to any environment it is not commonly in, will be

LOL no it’s not the same as “I have black friends” because friends would be the same around the same age as you are not children who may not be able to communicate effectively. But the rest of your comment is valid.

She’s married, it’s in the article “(As far as I can tell, when I rush from the other room upon hearing Olivia wail to find my husband still immersed in BBC news, it’s easier for men to ignore babies altogether.)“

FieryAntidote gave a reasonable response. Your reply is exactly the emotional, irrational entitled shit that people do not want to deal with. Ride out on your own horse unless you intend to give a more thoughtful, well articulated response. Signed, a feminist.

Wow, he was a dick!

“was on the way to celebrate her nuptials” “had just said “I do” when she received a call” so she was on her way or she had already had the ceremony? Why would she proceed with the ceremony if very important family members - father, grandparents - weren’t there?