
I do understand how people reading would jump to that conclusion but I’ve read all available lore and histories and I don’t think most people know how truly ruthless Tywin Lannister was.

I disagree but people will interpret what they will. Hopefully at the conclusion of the series we will have confirmation. I am 100% of the opinion that Tyrion is Tywin’s son.

LOL I can see why they didn’t go that route. Like the bells in the Dothraki hair - a bit ridic.

Yep, too busy trying to keep warm, huddling around the fires in their tents.

No the Sons of the H weren’t at the pit in the books or if they were they were not in force like on the show last night.

It’s just a bit of play acting. She can do it. Sure it would have been better to establish her at Happy Port where she could observe the prostitutes or with the Mummer’s troop but she’s aware of sex. King Robert was wenching with serving girls at Winterfell, she saw some of Sansa and Joffrey’s romance, on the road

But there would be plenty of servants and handmaidens and guard i.e. too many witnesses and Tywin’s people at the Rock for Aerys and Joanna to slip away alone together. Joanna was in love with Tywin, she would not have an affair and there wouldn’t be an opportunity with so many people around that Aerys could isolate

I wouldn’t mind. Of course I don’t want to see Arya molested but seeing her working her wiles and then gutting Trant a la the “Mercy” chapter would be satisfying. Since they didn’t show Sansa owning her sexuality and beguiling Harry as in the new excerpt chapter, they can give us another Stark woman being a femme

Sure I get that too. I am interested to see how Sansa’s Vale storyline plays out though I’m not upset she is at Winterfell. Oh yes it’s been horrific but more interesting than having JP/ impostor Arya.

That remains to be seen. Until the final books come out we can only speculate.

Thanks for being cool about the correction. Other people might have went Stannis on me ;)

I’m mostly mad at how the show stereotypes women/ mothers as weak, spineless, all talk and no action, soft losers and men are the - well men.

I thought a princess would die this season but my money was on Myrcella. She’ll be biting the dust sooner or later though.

I agree with your theory on the Unsullied but Sons of the Harpy are either younger sons of the former Masters or hired by the Masters - probably a combination. A lot of slaves and fighters were starving when they were freed and the fighting pits closed.

Daari - bland - o.

Aerys II not Aegon. If you’re going to lecture please be accurate. But yes I agree with the power of the oath but also think what Jaime did was necessary. Jaime in fact, did save KL.

In the books Davos has 7 sons. 3 Die at the Blackwater, 1 is Stannis squire left with Mel at the Wall in the 5th book, 3 sons still at home with his wife.

Yes Aerys did fancy Joanna but do you really think Tywin “Spank Daddy GILF Pimp O.G.” Lannister would have anyone disrespect him by fornicating with his wife and fathering a bastard on her. Nope, nope, nope. People need to stop with the secret Targ nonsense.

If you are referring to Drogon’s return it makes sense in the books because the sounds of fighting, the crowd cheering and the smell of blood draw him in. I did think bringing the Sons of the Harpy in to assassinate Dany was a cool change though. Just like Hardhome last week sometimes the show does get it right.

In the books (mainly in the novellas The Princess and the Queen/ The Blacks and the greens and The Rogue Prince which is a more detailed account of The Dance of Dragons) it’s implied that anyone with a drop of Targ blood can ride a dragon, you don’t have to be full Targ. I’m sure there was a Lannister/ Targ marriage