
Root for my Bae Baelish. The best playa in the game and the one who set this whole thing in motion with the murder of Jon Arryn. Petyr Baelish(ious); The Pimp Who was Promised.

I liked Shireen but according to Val (books) greyscale is a disease that lies dormant but will ultimately be reactivated and prove fatal so Shireen was going to die at some point and I understand them sacrificing her for the greater good BUT it did not ring true that the order came from Stannis and it didn’t seem to

Yeah I can see Mel taking the initiative and sacrificing Shireen but it didn’t ring true the order coming from Stannis.

But the showrunners have also gone off book especially this season. See Sansa’s storyline. “Alayne” is in the Vale being all “spicy” and not having her spirit crushed :(

Targaryens don’t really get sick like regular people. Maybe the others could have been infected but I doubt Dany was.

Co-sign. Also, is that Charles Dance in your gif?! Where is that from please?

I have read and agreed with most of your comments today but this one I do not agree with. I was spanked as a child and I think it is a valid form of discipline and I do not think it is abuse. I am referring to a spanking not a beating.

The women of Bear Island - not just the Mormonts are usually badasses because the Ironborn raided their shores a lot and try to make them salt wives. There’s an image of a “ of a woman in a bearskin with a child in one arm suckling at her breast and a battleaxe in the other” on their gates.

LOL, agree but apparently he has done it before - for like drone selfies? This time he probably misjudged and grabbed it at the wrong angle or something. Shames.

Have you tried coating the inside i.e. the part that touches your skin with clear nail polish? That’s usually works.

They tampered with the strong wine (actual name of wine). It was 3 x more potent which impaired his judgement sparring with the boar and leading to his death. Of course he could have drank less but Bob Baratheon was a man of excess.

In book terms it’s about 2/ 2 and a half years that Myrcella’s been in Dorne at this point. Depending on how she views time it’s either been slow or fast for her but yes - it has actually been years.

Preparing to collect a maester’s chain and lion’s pelt ;) I think we’ll see him in epi 10.

That was my immediate thought! Bronn must not be cu - dammit! - That blade better not be poisoned! I did not give two hoots about Jaime.

I’ve watched a few episodes sporadically and I think Khloe has always been the one most vocal about and others have said she was most devastated by the loss of her father Robert K. I think she is struggling with Bruce’s transformation because it is as if she is “losing” another father.

This wasn’t explicitly stated in the books. Only Arya, Bran and Jon. Robb, Sansa and Rickon weren’t confirmed - actually because we have Sansa’s POV chapters we know she hasn’t. They might all have the potential to but it doesn’t mean they all are wargs.

Meh I wasn’t impressed and where TF was her Maiden’s cloak? Weak. They will always improvise some sort of Maiden’s cloak, even the Night’s Watch in DWD made one for Alys Karstark (book). Maybe they just didn’t want to show the return of the Stark dire wolf yet?

It’s infuriating to me exactly because in the books she - shown to full extent in the latest excerpt chapter - is owning her sexuality and playing the game vs the show which seemed to set this up at the end of last season with the Lords of the Vale questioning her and her transformation into “Darth Sansa” and and this

If only she was as articulate as you!