WagonLovers In A Dangerous Time

Saturn replaced Geo, poorly. GM specifically targeted a direct replacement for the Isuzu (Japanese made) models with Saturn. When Saturn was introduced, the Isuzu made cars were terminated, and the Suzuki and Toyota models reverted to Chevy/GM nameplates. Saturn’s knockoff of the Isuzu transmission threw diff set pins

Also featured in a song by the Arrogant Works:

First car I ever fell in love with was my dad’s 3.0CS. I loved the shape, the thin wooden steering wheel, the leather, the smell...everything. At 4 years old, I asked for it as a wedding gift. I’m 34 now. And am lucky enough to still be able to “borrow” it whenever the forecast looks good.

Picture for those who want to see it:

I got my speed yellow 996tt four months ago and to be honest, the wheels, the headlights and the interior have not bothered me one single bit. In fact, I was very much fascinated by the interior. Maybe it’s the smell, the touch or the design...i don’t know what is is but it just feels great ..almost like you jumped

This is my first ever Jalopnik comment, despite spending all my days on here. I’m not sure if people will see this, or if it will remain gray forever.

Will someone un-gray me?