wagon guy now drives a boostang

That's an issue I have with most auto photography, there's seldom something next to the car to establish a good visual of the size. Online photos can make a car look huge, but when you see one IRL, it's dinky..

I've had two wagons, both with the Datsun/Nissan L series motor, and I loved them both!

I want a wagon with the 3.5/7 VQBlah Motor...

The Datsun 510 of course!

Dear Scion/Toyota:

I call "FAIL" on the colors. What colors are the primaries depends on your medium and how the colors combine.


I do, Cops are to be held to a higher standard and they MUST do everything to ensure the safety of the public. Cops that do this need to be fired and honestly publicly shamed.

No, don't move to Texas, we're all full here...

I had thought all R3's had clear domes. Wookiepedia proved me wrong...

try R3-S6... They called him "Goldie"

Impreza? Nope.

Would have been better if she rear-ended someone while she was busy filming/enjoy her schadenfreude.

This road isn't a highway the way I see it. It has a left turning lane. The passing rule we all agree with is meant for roads that have an outside lane specifically for cruising. All merging and exiting is done from the right most lanes. I will cruise all day in the left lane of a 45 mph road that I will eventually

Why?! She's doing over 50 in a 45 with side streets entering. It's not a freeway and there are no "fast lanes" when cars are entering and exiting in a residential area.


plz stop with auto play


These are the worst. The coke NEVER tastes right. I won't buy a drink anymore at places that have these. Not worth $3 for a shitty tasting coke.

I think I might be the only man on Earth who dislikes these: everywhere I go, there's always a faint aftertaste of whatever soda was poured last, the cherry flavoring is awful, and it always seems like 10 of the flavors are out of stock, without fail.

I hate these things. The drink never tastes right out of it, even if you run water through the tap first, and the bewilder our aging population who are flummoxed by things like "touch screens" and "options" and just want to know where the crank is. It's also a one-person-at-a-time dispenser. And even if that person