What’s wrong with a manual on a highway? You row through the gears until you reach cruising speed, then you leave it right there for hours in 6th gear (or 5th, or 4th, whatever the case may be). How hard is that?
What’s wrong with a manual on a highway? You row through the gears until you reach cruising speed, then you leave it right there for hours in 6th gear (or 5th, or 4th, whatever the case may be). How hard is that?
When I’m not plowing my mustang into crowds of bystanders, I’m shifting the gears in it manually.
Wanna talk about MoPac? :/
This one pegs the bullshit meter to the max. I used to live in Texas and had an Impala. Sitting in traffic in 105 degree heat with dew points near 90 degrees had zero effect on how hot the engine ran. Police cars have upgraded cooling systems to help them deal with being used harder than civilian cars. They’re…
Actually, telephones have existed for hundreds of years.
My wife’s Grandfather never talked about his WWII experiences, until I came home from the first deployment. He said he never wanted to talk about it, because no one else around him would have understood. His sons never served and WWII vets didn’t have the same sort of support network we have now. He’d been waiting 60…
Climbing into a plane day after day to face the hell of Nazi bullets and flak knowing you only have a 30% chance of completing your tour alive is more than enough to earn this gentleman an extra degree of respect and deference IMHO.
The interior isn’t the worst part of this car by far. It is actually kinda cool. My gripe is the third pedal delete checkbox the original owner selected. Second place is the mastercraft walmart tires.
I remember back in the early 80s, when my family didn’t make enough money to be dirt poor, my parents being without a car. My dad was a Plumbers Helper (the base level plumber that’s basically a gopher) and my mother was a stay-at-home mom (because there was no work for her). Anywhere they went, they either had to…
God fucking awful. Everything that's wrong with YouTube.
I like the idea of what he’s trying to do (i.e., talk about more than just the specs of the car, with a focus on the context of the car’s period and it’s place in it), which is why I try to watch the videos. But the execution is fucking awful. Just awful.
These videos are awful. Just fucking awful. I always try to give them a shot because the cars are interesting, and every time I have to turn them off halfway through because of how seriously terrible they are. Every. Fucking. Time. The too-clever-by-half commentary and ironic voices are cringeworthy and the pointless…
Cars today: too big, too heavy. Ugh oof strain cramp ugh.
I have a theory to bounce off your theory. I grew up in a rural town in Northern Indiana (Plymouth). In 1983 I was 13. One thing that stuck out in the show to me was the fact that there were African-Americans in the Hawkins. We had a Hawaiian on the Police squad (we called him Taco Joe), and we did have a lot of…
Outside of the drier parts of the west coast, Japanese cars weren’t that common at all till the later 80's. They just disintegrated after a couple of years use in the Midwest or most of the upper east coast. It wasn't till about 1987 you could buy, say, a Civic and not have Swiss cheesed within about three years.
As someone with deep Midwestern roots and someone who remembers northern Indiana in the 80s I can say the lack of imports is spot on. Only doctors and lawyers drove European cars and school teachers and academics drove Japanese cars. Everyone else drove a car with an American name badge even if it was a captive…
It was a good day for an apocalypse.
She was knitting when the brakes went out.