
I’m already salivating thinking of all the future Jalopnik articles about this car. How long until one of you writers can buy a trashed used one and try to build it into a reliable daily driver?

I’m glad they included the top view, because from certain angles I couldn’t tell where the engine would go.

Ah, I always liked these things when I was younger (and totally ignorant of the Z-car lineage).

You’re right, that’s kind of why I wanted to out myself. I was making too many assumptions, like car-based automatically means car-like stability. Of course I understand center of gravity in the theoretical sense, it was just lazy thinking on my part. And too much faith in car companies and safety authorities to

No doubt, that’s why I inserted my “anything could happen” caveat at the end.

Educate me. Is “swerving to avoid something” considered “bad driving?” What is preferred? Just jamming the brakes and holding on? Or swerving less abruptly at least? Obviously it’s bad if you swerve into the car next to you, but that must be a pretty difficult impulse to resist when you’re staring down some obstacle

Although I was a rabid anti-SUV zealot when I was in high school, I honestly had been assuming lately that modern car-based crossovers were essentially immune to rolling over like their truck-based forebears. I mean, they’re basically cars in most ways. I figured they had solved those handling issues. This is a good

All I can see is that the first side shot photo is slightly out of focus.

Technically it’s Tornado Red, if memory serves. Enjoy your sweet ride! I have a 2018 Alltrack on order - in red.

Looking forward to future installments in this series: How To Survive Fall, Winter and Spring In A Car With No Air Conditioning.

Yeah well...I don’t foresee myself ever buying a small sports car because I need a more utilitarian vehicle for weekend trips (and can’t yet imagine owning 2 cars). Maybe when I’m grown with a family and lots of money to burn. At that time, I may be pissed if a stick shift is not available. So I hope you’re right.

Some in the VW community claim the current 1.8 TSI engine makes more power on premium than regular. They point to the publicized specs which state something like, “Performance measured using premium fuel.” And yet 87 is officially recommended for this engine, at least in the Golf line. Makes no freaking sense to me -

Came here to say this (sort of). At parking lot or city street speeds, electric cars sound roughly as loud as gas cars to me. By much complex reasoning I deduced that this must be because of the tire noise. Either that, or electric cars already make artificial noise and I just can’t tell the difference. I don’t doubt

Sorry to pile on, but let’s see...800 HP car, never gets below 1/4 tank, always uses the same pump at the same gas station. Do you ever travel farther than 75 miles from your home?

And now with the most chrome in its class!

Can anyone tell me what the best source is to read up on, for lack of a better term, “headlight theory”? Not just which cars are the best, but what makes a good headlight. Clearly it’s not all about brightness. If I make lighting mods to any future car of mine, I’d like it to still be safe and hopefully legal. Bonus

To a non-rider, this sounds insane. I can see speeding up momentarily to get through someone’s blind spot (I do it frequently in my car), but that’s it. Makes you more visible? Huh? I guess I will let the riders have this one, though, since they ought to know better than me.

Other than perhaps a bit better fuel economy, what will that gain you on public roads? The ability to get the tail loose? How hard are you going to push it?

I continue to be amazed at how Toyota markets EVERY new Camry generation with sporty ads seemingly designed to emphasize how fast and non-boring the Camry is. Camrys on race tracks, Camrys racing against fighter jets, real Camry owners bragging about how sporty their car feels. Each new ad only hardens my resolve to

Someone on my street has the Nismo edition of the 370. Looks pretty nice in white, with big brakes. I’ve always wondered how it drove because I really know nothing about these cars. Although I did like the looks of the 300zx when I was about 15.