
if youre going through the daily trouble of carrying two wallets, the criminals have already won. 

ding, ding, ding. This is PR, it doesn’t stop or even address the problems.

OK everybody!  We changed the video game cowboy’s name!  Problem solved!  Please resubscribe to WoW?

weed’s legal in cali

Everyone’s ignoring the obvious host solution. The same ideal host for the Academy Awards.

Levar Burton on Jeopardy for [unknown contractual payout sum], please?

Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?

I love interjecting myself into conversations about stocks and bonds to tell people that all my money is tied up in pet food. I mean, I have four cats and two dogs all on prescription diets. It’s really not a joke.

I was about to agree with your second paragraph, but if you do an image search that picture is about as tame as it gets for her.

Is there any independent confirmation of this? I would usually take someone at their word on something like this (because it would be stupid to make it up) but given how her word and actions have been in the past shown to be questionable, such as the fake racism complaints during a stream for attention, I would prefer

I am offended, therefore I exist

He was talking about the fucking logistics of the release, being an experiment. Nothing the fuck at all about the movie being the first Asian MCU movie or whatever the fuck Liu started into. Holy shit.

I feel like the tone of this review seems to warrant a lower score than B-

Hey, if you like it—we love it, Nick!

“Trust me, there’s a lot of people that I could’ve gotten pregnant that I didn’t. The ones that got pregnant are the ones that were supposed to get pregnant.”

PASS, so done with GAAS

Technically you can play the game you already own free of charge.

Yet another example of when “specialist” = “arrogant idiot.” Frustratingly all too common in medicine....

Good for you for doing what your baby needed! I had a friend whose wife breastfed their kids for 1+ year each, and was of the opinion that “everybody should do it.” I pointed out that, even putting other barriers aside (time/place to pump, cost of supplies, etc), not everyone physically *can* breastfeed, and this dude

I hate that you don’t make these new articles with each update. It renders commenting useless. Looking still comments from may when it’s an August update is blah. It only gets worse as time goes on. How about “best 8 games as of may 2017.... best 12 games as of August 2017" and so on and so forth. Will anyone ever