
It’s definitely a weak system, but some people don’t even know it’s there, especially the free fast travel from your camp. I think that one does have a map (since it is, in fact, a map you look at)?

Lots of people miss the fast travel option because it’s not widely advertised in game. Also you can put your horse on autopilot, which isn’t great for short trips but for long trips is a godsend.

I really liked the Otter stream actually, something I didn’t know I wanted until now. If there was one good thing to come out of this silliness it’s that.

You don’t “swim” in a hot tub, you soak. Or float.

Ah yeah - sorry I should have clarified, they went independent. Same guy though, and still hilarious (albeit I feel like they’re a bit longer now?)

Do you not enjoy Highlight Reel anymore?

Hot take, but until it’s remastered or remade, it’s never a good time to play Persona 3.

Not only that, but there’s different contexts. For example, an audiobook with bad words on it that are historically interesting or applicable to the time. Sometimes words in other countries mean very bad things in your home country (such as the slang for “cigarette” in the UK).

Yeah I agree here. The only way this is a terrible thing is if the way everything worked now was to bleep everything and this was a way to unblock the censorship. This seems more like something that would be great for parental controls, and something for people who are triggered by specific kinds of speech.

I got into MH in World. It took me a long time to “click” with the game as well, for many of the same reasons. Eventually, though, it did click and I can’t pinpoint a specific thing that made it click.

Remember Xbox Live Points? It’s fuzzy now but I think you bought cards for points, but you could earn points somehow too? Achievements maybe? Oh that was a hot mess.

Totally agree, I try to stay off of listless, directionless social media like Twitter/Facebook. It’s so weird because it also creates social bubbles where people start to think “oh the way I think is how everyone else thinks too!” so when people get met by opposing opinions, or different ways of thinking, they don’t

you will take on the role of Frey Holland, an ordinary young woman who must harness her magical abilities


Yeah, I still remember playing that game (I used to have a tradition of taking a week off at Thanksgiving time and just playing through that years AC game from start to finish) and interrupting dinner at my condo by going “WHOA WHAT THE FUCK” and trying to answer by explaining to my partner and her friends what was

You... would be surprised then! I thought the ending of Odyssey (one of the endings? That’s sort of one of the new things AC games have, multiple main storylines that all have independent endings) was pretty wild and wacky.

There was some cool stuff shown, but almost none of the stuff I really wanted to see was shown. I’m a huge fan of Sony, but they really missed the mark, at least for me. 

I understand it, honestly. Especially being there at the start of video streaming and seeing competitors pop up. It’s kind of similar to game stores.

Or “the entire galaxy is at stake but I will only help save it (and myself) if you help me with my personal problems first”. 

It was a cycle yes. It’s a convoluted story but if I remember correctly, only the “Final Aeon” could defeat Sin, but when it did the guy who made Sin originally would possess the Aeon and the Aeon would become the next Sin, but there was a gap where Sin wasn’t raging.