
I would venture TAZ went off the rails before episode 88 even. After the first mayyyyybe 30 episodes it went way off the rails and seemed to get self-important about it’s own plot. No more “their dad fucks a plant” and way more “the power of diversity will save the multiverse!!!!”

How is My Brother, My Brother, and Me not on this list?! That’s the ultimate “disconnect from stressful events” podcast. 

Couple things. If you get Quest bars, AND YOU SHOULD, microwave them for 5-8 seconds before eating. Trust me. They also make low carb pizza that’s actually really good!

Couple things. If you get Quest bars, AND YOU SHOULD, microwave them for 5-8 seconds before eating. Trust me. They

I guess I’m still confused about that story. I personally don’t believe I would a) not notice the police following me or b) actively avoid the cops pulling me over and trying to escape to my home. How do you get into the initial situation where a cop has a gun drawn outside your garage for a simple moving violation?

I am super excited about Miles Morales getting his own game. Been a fan of the character since he was created, although I am not a fan of him currently in Marvel (whole thing, he should have stayed out of 616, and is now lost in a sea of “teen heroes” who all have the same character voice).

Salt mostly, I think ;)

I only had the TPHS2 demo and no other games, so I think I ONLY heard Superman. Over and over. Man that was good times.

If you turn off field of view, that means you wouldn’t see anything right?

For #2, that was already massively improved. It used to be if you got, say, an iron early on, suddenly EVERY civ would ask you for 1 iron. Now that doesn’t happen anymore.

Nothing in that movie made sense. Characters acted out of character. Established rules of physics were broken. Everyone made dumb decisions purely to push the plot forward.

That’s a good sign that the rules weren’t being followed. The game should be relatively snappy, but people don’t do the “auction properties” rule so properties are given out fairly slowly.

I strongly feel like maybe it will be Tifa instead of Aeris. Something unexpected, but just as much an emotional gut punch as the original.

To be fair “most people” play Monopoly wrong. I don’t know of anyone who auctions EVERY property landed on if it’s not purchased.

I have a friend who is a board game expert, but somehow he learned the rules to Betrayal wrong and it was physically painful to him when he learned you can only explore one room per turn (or more specifically, only one room that grants a card). He’d always been choosing high-speed characters and just zooming through

I doubt 70% of all people are buying Corona 

It’s racist in my book when anyone makes sweeping generalization comments about any group of people based on race or skin color.

Fair enough. I got a lot of good advice out of your post as well, wasn’t trying to tear you down or anything :) 

Exactly! That’s what I do anyway (I really like to cook) so it’s just odd that all the stuff I want to buy is in full stock!

Lol, non-white-people? I’m white, and I don’t buy those things. Easy on the racism!

I have found I can consistently get 8 items from a rock without having to dig holes. Just hit with the shovel 2x then step forward then 2x and so on. Every two hits step forward immediately. No muss no fuss.